I concur about giving her space to decompress. Even being there for her to process things and having a pressure free conversation will help solidify things.
Things were similar with me meeting my spouse. I was still very shy when I contacted her about possibly car pooling to a Sierra Club trip. We spent months talking to prepare and I started falling for her. This was ages before smartphones, so, I did not know what to expect when we first met, and because of our conversations it went better than circumstances would have predicted. But still, that meeting and the trip that followed was critical to our relationship. We lived about 300 miles apart and after a couple of long distance visits we discussed living together and my move to Chicago since I was desirous to live in a more cosmopolitan city with better job prospects.
But things unfolded at a deliberate pace. Certainly I felt overwhelmed at times and sometimes there was friction, but we both decided to make the relationship work. In her response to the snafu, it seems she has already decided that. The best thing is for you to demonstrate to her that you maintain an interest in communicating at her pace. At some point, though, you will need to meet to really assess if you are compatible. Find out when she will have fewer stresses commanding her attention. I don't think that as you discuss that, talk of meeting at such a time would be too pushy. You are the one that has to advocate for your happiness and discussing any future with her is part of that. Just hear her to determine the time when she may be open to that.
Thanks for the detailed reply. Right now im at a stage where we dont talk very much. Shes busy and since our small tiff she does seem to have taken a step back from me. Thats how it seems anyway but she may just be busy. I do miss her a lot right now though. I think thats whats hardest.
I will keep that interest in communicating at her pace. Even if its hard and honestly at times, kind of painful. I dont want to give up on that potential.
Im sure we will meet at some point, as long as we start talking again like we used to. Right now isnt the right time. Had things stayed the same i was going to suggest in the new year or her next break from uni around easter. But that seems far off now considering where we are currently