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Favorite movie quotes or gif

- I'm sure that we can handle this situation maturely, just like the responsible adults that we are. Isn't that right, mr. Poopy Pants.

- Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with the seat missing, but it hurts.

Frank Drebin :)
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"Manure! I hate manure!" -Biff Tannen "Back To The Future Part Two" (1989)

"The Lincoln Administration has required that we raise three regiments. Tell him that we have done so."

Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson -"Gods and Generals" (2003)

Sic Semper Tyrannis
This has so many quotables, a most exciting scene. The music by Hans Zimmer is amazing.

"Get ready to match our spin with retro thrusters"
"It's not possible"
"No, it's necessary"

"My God, it's full of stars!" - David Bowman "2001 A Space Odyssey" (1968)

"I hate those guys."

- The last thing uttered by Dean Wormer, Faber College Pennsylvania "Animal House" (1978)
"I think this situation absolutely requires, a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part."

-Otter, Class of 63 "Animal House" (1978)

Let's do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A quote from Joe Versus the Volcano: Patricia's "father says that almost the whole world is asleep. Everybody you know. Everybody you see. Everybody you talk to. He says that only a few people are awake and they live in a state of constant total amazement."
In all my years I can see that that is absolutely true.

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