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Favorite Movie Scenes

There are so many scenes worth sharing from L.A. Story. Here's one for starters (and yes, that is a pre-Sex and the City Sarah Jessica Parker):
One of my favourite scenes from the movie Battleship, where they lose their state of the art navy vessel in a fight with aliens. They use the WW2 steam powered 'Missouri' to continue the fight, with some of the actual vets who served in WW2 and Korea. It gives me idea what it might have been like for my father who served on battleships and corvettes during the war.

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@bails0bub Wow, I'm glad you posted a scene from Chappie. That movie made me feel so many conflicting emotions. I felt pretty bad after watching it, the way one feels bad after watching a movie with an emotional rollercoaster. It had a lot more depth than I previously expected, which is silly because Neill Blomkamp's movies usually have many layers.
In Terminator 2: Judgement Day, after defeating the T-1000 at the end and the T-800 has to destroy himself. John obviously gets upset and begs him to stay, but he knows he cannot and says, "Now I know why you cry." He then lowers himself to his doom, but just before his hand gets completely destroyed, he gives a thumbs up. That scene always gets to me.
That's some pretty intense choreography!

One of my favorite scenes is from The Imitation Game. Its just after WW2 has ended and the main character (Alan Turing) has been convicted of homosexuality (back when it was illegal). He almost single handedly cracked the German radio encryption device known as enigma. I don't think it was ever confirmed but it is apparent that he had Asperger's and is obsessed with his work (which ultimately led to all of computers as we know today) and hence why they used to be called Turing Machines.
Sorry the scene is five and a half minutes long though:


Never fails to make me tear up. This movie came out when I was a kid and I’ve loved it ever since. I’ll be playing this song at my wedding, that’s for sure.

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