I used to subscribe to this, but now I'm not convinced. Maybe as a generalization, but not as a rule.
What say a visual thinker has to explain in words. What say English is your second language. What say you are paralyzed and can't speak. So many are treated as if they are stupid just because they can't reply. Of course, if we assume this saying is true, it would be reasonable for nurseangela to assume none of us understand aspergers at all either.
I see the statement as fairly accurate, with the assumption that the people involved are all fluent in the same language ... but now that I understand that I'm Aspie and we are neurologically different, I realize that Aspies and NTs are clearly
not fluent in the same languages.
I first heard this many years ago, but here's what brought it up recently:
Therapist states 'xxx'
Me: That's not true
T: I believe 'xxx'
Me: 'xxx' has not been my experience
T: 'xxx'
Me: Why do you believe 'xxx' is true? What is your support for that assertion?
T: 'xxx'
Me: Please explain your assertion 'xxx'
T: I've tried to explain, but clearly I can't explain it
in a way that will make sense to you.
never tried to explain, she just kept repeating her premise; this leads me to believe:
1) She has no tangible support for her belief;
2) She's clinging to it for emotional comfort;
3) She thinks if I believe it too, that will overcome the concrete, tangible obstacles erected by NTs in my life;
4) There's no logic to support either her premise or the belief it will overcome the obstacles in my life;
5) Logic (and my personal experience) directly refute her premise;
6) If she tried to explain it, she'd have to think about it, and she'd see how baseless her assertion is;
7) She desperately needs the emotional comfort it brings, so she will avoid thinking about it at all costs;
8) She resorts to an insulting, demeaning statement that implies that
I don't understand, hoping I will stop asking.
I replied that all I need is clear, straightforward, plain English; she changed the subject.
Both of us have American English as our first language, and above-average vocabulary.
I can explain my experience of Aspergers: I rely on logic, most of the world does not (in my experience).