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Favourite cover versions of songs...

Thank you for posting this. Talking Heads is a favorite of mine and this cover and the video are great. The female coworker in the video: Is she the one who played the German woman in the movie Bagdad Café? If so, she was great in that movie and the movie was great as well.
Here's another cover of Once in a Lifetime - in Wolof:
Tommy Johansson - "Neverending Story" (Original by Limahl)

A "Power Metal" cover of the song from the 1984 film, The Neverending Story.
Just thinking. 62 Years ago, the first shot across the bow from the British Invasion. There was a girl in my 6th grade class who was into music and she played Telstar for us. We hadn't heard anything like it before. Here it is covered by Los Straightjackets.


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