I went to an event just to see my only acquaintance here, a guy in his late 40s from rural Minnesota. He said that he respected me because I acted much more mature than my real age, and that I acted more like a 50 year old friend. But I have not seen him in months, I think that he might have stopped attending meetups. I know that several times in the past he had told me that he was getting fed up with people treating him like dirt at events. And the last event I had a verbal debate with some people, and one kept calling me stupid to my face.
I think that if there are any positives at all (I think they call this a silver lining), the meetups helped me to become much more street smart and much less naïve. However, as a negative, I have argued with people a lot and been insulted countless times. Plus I am now highly paranoid and suspicious of people upon meeting for the first time, or even after the first time.
I am trying to find some suitable groups. Joining a campaign for a certain working class presidential campaign for example as a job. Maybe European groups. Since I plan to move in the coming years I am trying to find some connection group so that I get to know people from Europe beforehand. Perhaps a better foreign language group. I used to attend a foreign language meetup, but the people were basically the same types of people, and in many cases even the exact same individuals, from the other meetups that I attended.
Having finished watching the film, I would hope that people really are kinder than how it seems to me. My parents also have trouble with people here on a daily basis. The lack of respect and manners, the propensity to berate and exclude people who are not within societal norms, i.e. "othering" people, is something that is now deeply engrained in society in this area. Sometimes one just wonders where the good people, or at least non-judgemental, welcoming people are. In my case, especially the women who are not the ones who say "ew virgin" types.
I do think that those past experiences, such as people berating me to my face, certainly did make my self-esteem plunge to the Mariana Trench. Confidence is being comfortable in oneself despite what others think. But I think that it would take an extremely mentally strong, thick-skinned person to have confidence whilst being insulted on a close to daily basis, plus not seeing results despite trying all sorts of stuff.
My parents get berated by others, usually people in their 20s and 30s, for not making six figures or more, for being old, for not working in tech, for having no friends, etc. I could only imagine how many insults that at they would receive if they went to social gatherings.