Is a good distraction and a good source of inspiration, I have a lot different games, because I write a hobby, sometimes I replay a particular game, so I can experience visually what I need to write, because I write mostly science fiction/fantasy, most of my games are space simulators, Rebel Galaxy, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, Starpoint Gemini 2, Starpoint Gemini Warlords, Starsector, I have some fantasy games, like Morrowing, Oblivion, Skyrim and The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, other is mostly for nostalgia, like Jurassic Park Evolution, have less features than Operation Genesis, but is not a joy take the jeep for a ride around your park, specially if you built it as a natural reserve, watch the dinosaurs go by, and other because I enjoy the sandboxes like the GTA games, even that GTA V was a great let down, not what I was expecting, the gameplay loop of working for shady people and getting pay was sideline because the ****ing multiplayer, so the people that you work for, never pay you or you work for free, and the mechanic of buying business is really bad, Saint Row The Third did it much better, because they pay you in real hours, not ingame weeks, so getting money in GTA V is a chore.