For many years before I had ever heard of a fidget spinner, I would bend the pocket clips on the caps of my employer's ballpoint pens and use the bent clip to spin the pen at lightning speed, repeatedly, alternating directions. At least it's silent.
If we had clicky ballpoint pens instead, I would click them and click them click them and click them until I drove everyone in my office mad.
At home, it was the VCR remote's battery cover, which made a satisfying clicky noise until it broke from wear and tear.
Also, my wife just told me this month that when we first married, years and years ago, I used to click the computer's mouse buttons over and over and over, and that it used to drive her crazy.
There's also my own leg, bouncing it rapidly (which drives my daughter crazy).
And also, liked to spin my key ring around on my finger as quickly as I could.
And I had no idea that I could possibly be on the spectrum.