I hope you find answers you are looking for.Thanks, I appreciate any input or direction. My son began school early and was a recipient of services, such as physical therapy, since a toddler. That, however, has not improved the tremor. I remember sitting on the porch with him, taking kitchen tongs and picking up marbles or pennies with them and placing into a container for therapy.The medical professionals don't seem to have a reason why, it just is. My son has been tested twice for possible chromosome condition since we had another child with chromosome 18 difference. His results, however, return "normal." He has a number of what I refer to as ABC's (diagnostic labels) such as CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Disorder.)
I actually have a question. You said your son has an auditory processing disorder. How did he become diagnosed and what type of therapy he's receiving?
a few specialists and I believe my son has Apraxia but also auditory processing (maybe it's not the same as you son has but something in that area). I believe if he gets official diagnosis he might be able to get more appropriate type of therapy but so far no specialist wanted to be responsible for diagnosis because they don't believe they can test him. It's still a work in progress for me to find the right specialist. When I was a kid a couldn't recognize some words and sentences, and it seemed to me that my son may have similar issue but more severe version of it. Plus it's hard for him to speak (he basically doesn't, not they way we do).