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Five favorite things to do to relieve anxiety?

First and most obvious is to listen to music. It's the only reason I haven't gone postal yet.

then it's working out, playing music, going for a drive, having a beer, and cuddling with my fiance while watching TV. :love:
1. Listen to music, either on my radio on through YouTube
2. Surf the web, including Aspies Central ;)
3. Take a nice siesta
4. Eating some junk food (ice cream specifically)
5. Taking a nice stroll outside or a long ride in the car
1. Go to karate (I absolutely love my dojo. It's tiny and friendly and everyone knows everyone...it's like a little family.)
2. Read a book.
3. Listen to music.
4. Hang out with a friend
5. Be alone
1) Be alone
2) Drink a lot of water
3) Cover myself with fluffy stuff like blanks and pillows
4) Watch TV
5) Sleep
1. Eat a relaxing meal (comfort food)
2. Shop (if I have money to spend) on ebay, flea-markets, antique stores, thrift shops, etc.
3. Go for a long drive in the country (best if done on a road with very little traffic).
4. Go on-line and post on forums
5. Watch an old movie on TV
1. Close eyes and cover ears
2. Heavy blanket on me, or being wrapped up or squeezed
3. Ride motorcycle if weather allows, drive if it doesn't
4. Look at special interest stuff
5. Get some exercise
Start off my day with solitude and prayer.
Reading the Bible or books about God.
Southern gospel music.
Fishing by myself or sometimes with my Daughter.
Taking my dog for a ride out by the lake in my Jeep.

Isolate myself to either stim, zone out or both.

Sink into a hot sea salt & essential oil bath.

Spend time with my puggy.

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