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Following/Followers? I don't understand.

IMX, I get an avatar (instead of just a name) when such is on-line.
I think that "follower" = "fan" (at least, in some aspect).
Nope, still doesn't.
I understand the process. I understand getting alerts to comments one might be interested in from people whom you think make interesting / good comments.
But I follow topics of interest and I am glad when users I like comment and thats good enough for me. Logging on to see what a particular person has to say feels stalkerish.
(Don't worry, I haven't singled you out for this peculiarity of mine. I drove my art instructor and driving instructor nuts too)
Simple enough then, avoid it if it upsets you.

I'm not sure you have what it takes to drive a madman nuts, but thanks for thinking you'd have a shot at it :D
I have been a user here since 2019, and I just noticed on the sidebar of my profile that it says I have twelve followers.

I assume that means that those people like me.

I have seen on some other peoples' profiles that they follow a great many users.

What does it mean to follow someone? What does that do?

What does it mean if someone is following you?

Nobody is following me. Lol, so I don't know.
Now that I understand, it may sound silly, but although there are people on here that I truly think of as friends, I am too shy to follow anyone. I end up sitting on the sidelines and hoping they comment on my stuff.
And then you see that and you think "why is that weirdo following me?". So awkward. :) I don`t want to scare anyone.
For me, it would take more than a "follow" to make me suspect that someone is a "weirdo" (at least, more weird than this forum expects... ;)).

If that person frequently gives my posts likes, agrees, funnies, winners, etc., "following" seems like a natural progression.
If I find myself giving others the same, "following" them also seems like a natural progression.
In both cases, it is like having a favorite authors' list. Not stalking.

The only down-side is if you didn't put someone on that list, they might get their feelings hurt. For me, the subjective dividing line is that I might share more opinions in common with the other person.
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I was wondering about this following-thing, can you follow anyone or just people you know? Following someone you don`t really know seems a little stalky. So I don`t dare to follow anyone, they`ll think I`m nuts. :)

"Following" a member on this forum indicates an interest
in reading the posts that person makes.

It is not stalking.
@Forest Cat

Generally, from what I've seen, people tend to view being "Followed"
as complimentary.

Often when a member notices a new Follower, the followed one says
*thanks for the follow.*
I have been a user here since 2019, and I just noticed on the sidebar of my profile that it says I have twelve followers.

I assume that means that those people like me.

I have seen on some other peoples' profiles that they follow a great many users.

What does it mean to follow someone? What does that do?

What does it mean if someone is following you?
I'm not of the social media generation, so I associate the word follower or follow with being stalked ,but if someone followed me, I follow them back ,so that I don't offend them.
It usually begins with a beer and a "hello" :) Or it used to at least. Maybe it begins with strangers following you on the internet now? The world is changing. I just thought it seemed odd to follow strangers, but I think I understand now.
Then I suppose you still owe me that beer ;)
I'm not of the social media generation, so I associate the word follower or follow with being stalked ,but if someone followed me, I follow them back ,so that I don't offend them.
Actually, by age, I'm probably not from the social media generation either, but then again, I do go all the way back to the days of Yahoo chat and the chat rooms.
In fact, I used to run a chat tag site catering to Yahoo 360 users :)
Actually, by age, I'm probably not from the social media generation either, but then again, I do go all the way back to the days of Yahoo chat and the chat rooms.
In fact, I used to run a chat tag site catering to Yahoo 360 users :)
all I remember is search engines ,ask Jeeves, MSN, etc, then Bush internet they made a box that could connect to a phone line and the television :)
all I remember is search engines ,ask Jeeves, MSN, etc, then Bush internet they made a box that could connect to a phone line and the television :)
Ahh, Ask Jeeves, a go to when the Yahoo index was about useless.
It predated the Google monster ;)

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