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Food Food Food


'Bout Ye?
Continuing on from the "If I only ate apples" thread, I thought we could expand on that and talk about food in general.

I have noticed that Aspies tend to be "weird" when it comes to food. Some will only eat certain types of food, others must always have a certain brand and most are generally just fussy eaters. What are you like when it comes to food? Does anyone do anything weird like only eat cheese when on pizza for example? I'm also aware that some of us hate eating at the kitchen table due to other people slurping, gulping and being noisy eaters. Maybe you hate the sound of knives and forks grinding together?

What is it like for you?
this is a difficult one i dont like spicey foods and casseroles they make me gag. also spicey and acidy foods people with IBS cant have and thats what i got, also I am lactose intolerance so i crave foods that i cant have the normal verson of.
Ha yeh I only like cheese on pizza. Even on burgers I hate it!. But yeh I am very fussy. If I order something in a restraunt and it comes with peas and my mum forgets to say no peas or whatever and there touching my food i can get realy upset about it. For years as a kid all i would eat was tuna sandwiches then it was only burgers then only pizza then was only chicken. Now I kind of still am very very fussy but not stick to 1 food.
I don't really have any issue with food but I just tend to be a little fussy about it but other than that, there isn't really a huge problem with it, apart from sometimes skipping breakfast which is a bad thing. But also I tend to rush alot every weekday mornings.
I only eat cheese on pizza and lasagna, and I never used to eat cheese at all. I can't stand ketchup, salt, pepper or anything else people like to chuck on everything. I don't drink fizzy drinks. I can't stand the smell of vinegar to the extent that I ovoid being anywhere near it. I don't drink alcohol, I don't drink tea or coffee, I can't stand eating or touching egg (apart from in cakes). I don't like spicy food or anything with a strong taste. Also, I only eat ready salted or plain crisps (chips in US and Aus). I used to eat McDonald's but I now refuse to go in there because I have developed a hate for McDonald's in general.
I pretty much don't eat anything strong or anything I don't already know the taste of.

On the other hand, I eat a 110g bowl of Fruit and Fiber every morning and sometimes in the evening. I drink around 30 pints of milk a week. I love jam sandwiches, sponge cake, spag-bol or beans on toast and damn I love those little apple pies! (or mince pies).

Believe it or not, I am a lot less fussy about food now than I have ever been. I tried a mild curry a couple of years ago and even had Chinese at a restaurant for my friends birthday a few months ago. I never used to eat fish (with the exception of fish fingers) and have only started eating fish in about the last 3-4 years, and I only like cod and salmon.

So... yes, I am a fussy eater!
@SB I rarely ever eat breakfast but then i'm never up in time for it with my sleep problem.   :lol:

@Kempy you're not fussy at all.  :rofl: (sarcasm)

On the other hand, I eat a 110g bowl of Fruit and Fiber every morning and sometimes in the evening. I drink around 30 pints of milk a week. I love jam sandwiches, sponge cake, spag-bol or beans on toast and damn I love those little apple pies! (or mince pies).

Sorry, but yuck to everything on that quote except the apple pies. I don't mind milk but prefer if it's chocolate flavoured.  :D

I used to eat McDonald's but I now refuse to go in there because I have developed a hate for McDonald's in general.

I used to love eating at McDonalds too but now I think their chips taste disgusting. Sometimes it's like they've been frying all day long... yuck. I also find that it doesn't seem to fill me. Their burgers are nice though. On a related note, i'm not that big into fast food chains like McD's, KFC, Burger King and so-on. I used to be but now i'd rather just go to a chippy instead.
I'm not a fussy eater.

Sometimes it appears that I am fussy because there is a list of foods that I shouldn't eat, wheat products and acidic fruits being the most notable, because I have IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) which can be pretty nasty for me (and for anyone in a confined space with me) if I eat very much of the wrong foods or if I a under prolonged stress. Fortunately there are plenty of foods that I can and do eat. I love Indian food, Thai food. I like seafood but it has to be very very fresh - seafood that tastes fine to other people can often taste off to me.

I was forced to eat adult sized meals from when I was a toddler and saying that I didn't like something simply meant that I was forced to eat more of it. My mother became an expert at making it look like there was more food on a plate than there actually was by spreading it out and serving everything (including stew) on large dinner plates. I recall very vividly my mother dishing out the food for each of us (4 kids) on the kitchen counter, and my father coming around and "auditing" it, insisting on more food on the plate if he felt that there wasn't enough. I remember when I was 3 or 4 years old my father bought a coconut and poured a glass of the coconut water for myself and for my older sister. It smelt bad and I took a sip and it tasted worse. My sister said that it was "yucky" or something like that. My father started getting himself worked up into a rage, making threats and shouting and all the usual stuff, so I downed the whole glass. After that my father cracked open the coconut to get at the meat and it was all rotten inside. My mother said very gently to him "maybe that was why the kids didn't want to drink it?", and my father just got more angry and stormed out of the house. I also remember being forced to eat red meat while I was still a toddler, and how my jaw would hurt from the effort of chewing huge mouthfuls of it that my father had shoved into my mouth, then being forced to swallow it half chewed and gagging on it. My father must have taken lessons in how to give your children a f***ed up attitude to food.

Maybe my post belongs in the rants section.
I'm an extremely fussy eater. When I was younger and people asked me to come around to their house for dinner I'll be like, 'okay, but minus the dinner part' P:.
It was awkward once, I went around to a boyfriend's house once and they had a massive buffet and I just said I wasn't hungry >_< LOL.
I was once at a class mates house, even though we werent good mates when i was little and i went for supper but they checked the whoel fridge and freezer and cudnt find anything i wud eat so i had to settle for a banana LOL.
I'm very all or nothing with food.

When I was a kid I was terribly fussy, I can understand fussiness. And some things I would have to eat systematically (if possible) I do this sometimes still but not as much.

Today I am almost the opposite of what I used to be (I'm a bit disgusting :innocent: in fact) . I eat anything :innocent: , I eat the whole apple with the centre and everything, I'll eat pork fat till I feel sick :dribble: .
When I was young I did not like chocolate because of the sticky slime it produced in the throat but now I can eat it till I feel ill although I still don't really like the feeling and it makes me hyper.
I'll eat dry cheese that everyone thinks is foul and burned bits of food nobody likes. :blink:

But I can go without eating much at all as well I know that, if I did not have to cook and spend lots of time in the kitchen, I'd probably not eat much and become fussy again.

I can eat muesli, which is now my standard breakfast, but I have a problem with it because I imagine small bugs and things could be in it.

I did not used to like bananas because the brown ones I think are slimy and too sweet, The green ones make your teeth feel odd, the yellow ones are ok, but make you really thirsty.

I did not used to eat yoghurt either, I did not really like the taste, and the thought of eating bacteria did not appeal to me.

And I also like to eat alone.

But funny enough restaurants are a problem, first of all you never know what is lurking in the kitchen in a restaurant, and if we are looking for a restaurant to eat in me and my partner, it will possibly take all day to find one we agree going to, and perhaps we will not even find one, we will be starving in s strange town and really struggle to feel comfortable with a restaurant. It's really comical. And did we find a restaurant then there is the problem of finding something on the menu... So obviously we are burger people for this reason, but would rather not eat out, unless it is somewhere we know.
mmm yes i wouls say ian fussy lol, i love yoguerts, mash mostly soft things really when it comes to dinners i hate to chew for long, also this bugs a lot of people when i go to macdonalds i only have chicken sandwish with no mayo and ham burgers and with the burgers i pull all the stuff out of it so i just have the burger and bun, i cant do that with the chicken snadwish becasue i can still taste and see the mayo that was in it and want to be sick i wont eat it. My parter says iam easy for meals he just gets me the same all the time and he cant go wrong lol.
mmm yes i wouls say ian fussy lol, i love yoguerts, mash mostly soft things really when it comes to dinners i hate to chew for long, also this bugs a lot of people when i go to macdonalds i only have chicken sandwish with no mayo and ham burgers and with the burgers i pull all the stuff out of it so i just have the burger and bun, i cant do that with the chicken snadwish becasue i can still taste and see the mayo that was in it and want to be sick i wont eat it. My parter says iam easy for meals he just gets me the same all the time and he cant go wrong lol.
:o How DARE you! :lol: i can't be that fussy. :P
When I was a kid I did`t stand some certain fruits. vegetables and milk. I did`t like for example pineapples. If there was pineapple in a pizza I still tasted the taste of pineapple even tho it was removed and so I refused to eat it. Today I eat pineapple but I still don`t like it.

I did`t like milk either until I was about 17. Today I actually drink only milk everyday. Rarely coke, juice or water anymore.

Today I eat almost everything. I want to try something new. I want to try different cheeses, soups, meat and so on. But one thing I still hate is beetroot. I won`t eat it no matter what. If in school we have beetroot for salad, my day is ruined. Well, not totally but still. And I hate pastry things which has lots of cream and **** whit lots of fat like cakes. They have started to make me sick.

And I can eat almost anywhere. When I start to eat I focus on eating and forget everything else around me. I`m like in a totally different world; In the world of enjoyment of food. I enjoy while eating. And I eat everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. I think that one of the biggest "sins" you can make is to waste food.
I'm actually not that picky on food. There is very little I will not eat, but I certainly do have preferences and it doesn't bother me to eat the same thing for multiple days. I really don't see a problem with that, its smart- saves money to eat what you have first. I have always preferred actual food to junk though, even as a kid. I was that kid you'd see at buffet getting plates of good stuff, rather than ice cream and crap. Though, thinking about it, I guess I did have a routine for what foods I picked. It irritated me(and still does, actually) if the buffet did not have spaghetti or fried okra, for example. But as far as household foods... I pretty much ate whatever you gave me. I've always had a thing about mustard and anything with mustard in the name though. I used to absolutely hate mustard... but over the years, I've gotten to where I can tolerate a few drops on things. I still hate mustard greens though, blech.

I do have a few odd routines with foods though. Patterns, shapes, that sort of thing. I can't eat Lucky Charms around people if I want to look normal, because I eat them in a certain order. I have other similar quirks too. Speaking of eating around others: yes, I dislike eating around most people. The smacking, slurping, etc that Calvert mentioned drives me up the wall; I can't for the life of me understand why those noises are being made. So unnecessary. Sometimes it takes a lot not to yell: :shutup:
The smacking, slurping, etc that Calvert mentioned drives me up the wall; I can't for the life of me understand why those noises are being made. So unnecessary. Sometimes it takes a lot not to yell: :shutup:

Oh.. so we're not supposed to say that to people... huh... :unsure:
Well... actually, I've always just been too afraid to voice this out loud cause I hate confrontation... I'm more likely to just leave the room when it starts to bother me(if possible).

I do that with a look of very visible disgust on my face and one of those hard-to-describe-in-text sounds that show that I really abhor whatever's going on at the moment. I want them to know what I think of them.

Hah... and I wonder why I have no friends. :P
I'm pretty fussy as well. I won't eat anything soggy, and I don't like eating pasta with a lot of irritating stuff in the sauce that I can feel when I eat it even though Mom says most people can't. I usually spend more time trying to scrape the stuff out of it than eating it. For this reason, I also don't eat most soups. Sometimes I have trouble eating chicken and certain types of meat (like steak) because it's not tender enough and usually just turns all squishy and gross when I chew it instead of breaking down into something I can swallow. I don't like bread unless it's flavored or naturally tastes good... and I can't stand most wheat bread because of those little seed things embedded in it.
Things I eat every day, at least when I'm at home, are cheese crackers, chocolate milk, and chocolate. I really like potatoes, chicken that is tender enough, carrots, white milk, and cereal, although some cereals (especially frosted ones) make me feel nauseated a little while after I eat them.
Most people think that when I don't like a food it's because of the taste, but it's actually usually because of the texture. I don't understand how anyone can eat something and not be able to feel it in their mouths.

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