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Well-Known Member
What are your go-to foods when you are hungry but nothing sounds good? Right now my fixation is McDonald’s filet o fish 😩 nothing else sounds good. I go in cycles where I am obsessed with a food and then get burned out with it. I need more easy food options. My go-to fillers are rice cakes, fruit, yogurt, protein shakes. What else do you like???
When at home, we will do either pork or chicken with rice and veggies. When we go out, it's usually Chinese, Persian, Italian, or Mexican. There's a good soup and sandwich shop nearby, as well. Sure, we occasionally like a good steak or burger, but those are usually months in between.

Personally, I don't really have "issues" with food, per se, but I do tend to avoid pastas and breads as the crap we have in the US results in a lot of abdominal bloating. Good going down, but I pay for it later.
Sweet potatoes - cook up a bunch and have them ready to go in the fridge

Walnuts and bananas - a lovely combination and very easy

Rice and beans - any time I get tired of it, I just change the kind of beans or rice. Also nice with frozen mixed veggies (very convenient).
Always pizza!! I love making my own.

This is a mushroom half and half, my partner loves pineapple (not on pizza!), and I love jalapeños.

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