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Fourth of July


Well-Known Member
V.I.P Member
What’s everyone going to be doing today? My dad’s birthday is on July 4th and I’m spending time with family. Hope everyone has a happy fourth!
I've been laying in bed a little bit so far today, listening to the thunderstorm in my area. The thunder isn't too loud. It like a pleasant mild rumble in the distance.
I'm going to watch my young grandsons ride their bicycles in a parade this morning, then come home and cook burgers and hot dogs for everyone for lunch. After they all leave, I'll collapse and zone out on Netflix or BritBox and probably take a nap.

Happy 4th to everyone!
Happy 4th of July to all the Americans 🥳 🕺✨🎇🎆 🍰 🍾

I'm gonna be packing because I'm leaving tomorrow and also suffering because I hate fireworks and our neighbors are gonna be launching them probably till like 2-3am when we have to get up and leave in the morning.
My husband is hosting a 4th of July party in our house with about 30 people from the church. We are on a mountain facing a city, so we have a particularly good view of fireworks from our house, which makes us popular location.

I've only gotten through these events sloshed drunk. I am wearing my most comfortable clothing today and will plan on myself plenty of breaks by hiding upstairs.
I'm going to watch my young grandsons ride their bicycles in a parade this morning, then come home and cook burgers and hot dogs for everyone for lunch. After they all leave, I'll collapse and zone out on Netflix or BritBox and probably take a nap.

Happy 4th to everyone!

Oh yeah, a glass or two of wine later this afternoon. Hooray for the 4th. :cool:
At least the morning and afternoon were quiet. Having rain and a few thunderstorms cells roll through, puts a damper on the neighborhood firework spammers. Too bad nothing is stopping it now.

I hope it'll not go all night, but... that's asking for idiots to stop being idiots.
Same as every year. Having to remain at home to make sure I can leave the house with the necessary belongings in case some idiot decides to burn up the neighborhood with illegal fireworks. But it's not even dark yet...

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