You did not make a conscious decision to be born
Even this statement is based on belief.
Some religions and philosophies say yes.
They say you chose to be born because you have to grow or there is something to living life on this planet that you wanted to experience.
So, the cultural input begins.
I have no belief one way or the other on this because I do not follow a certain
philosophical or religious path.
The same statement could be applied to death.
Some say they
know there is an afterlife.
I do not know nor pretend to know.
Whatever I believe I am or think my self-awareness is would be a belief.
Any decision or choice I make feels to be free will.
Other things in life are dictated by people or by a law.
There still is choice.
For example, if I choose to drive 100 miles per hour on a street with a 40- mph speed limit and there is a patrol car watching, I pay the price. Literally.
But I made the choice to do so.
This is how I define free will of my consciousness. Whatever that is.
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