Hm, something just occurred to me. She met this guy through a mutual friend, right? Can't she ask him about it, or does he not know/has she been sworn to secrecy? Oh well. I think she's made her decision.
I feel we're going a little too far off track from the can PM me if you want to talk. I'm in a relationship, though.
That sounds like a very good idea royinpink nobody likes surprises at the wedding alter.

I don't know why so many people miss the fact that if you can't tell it on the way in, you may get to tell it on the way out.

My ex- kept doing that with me, lying strait to my face, "Oh no nothing is wrong at home","they all love you," Haw!,(so NOT!).

I don't understand what she was thinking, half the county knew her step mom was a 5 alarm nut case,

what point was there in sweeping it under the rug, we were going to have to deal with it sooner or later. The only reason I was sticking around was I liked her

so much I was willing to give her a chance to prove she would work with me on the issue.
Oh royinpink on the

thing don't worry about it.

You made a little joke about me being closer, I made a little joke back to see what you meant.

I'm not following you so I hadn't seen anything on your status,(sorry).

Anyways I will likely be moving my probably ill advised wife hunt to pastures closer to home shortly. I have this ghost in my head from my ex I can't seem to shake, I keep feeling like I want to turn and say something to her, or put my arm around her but there is no one there. Sigh!