We are anywhere from 55-70-ish % water. This is on a molecular level. The moon gravity affects the tides of course (sun to a far far lesser extent), and also a woman's typical cycle follows the lunar month which is 28-ish days. Then we have animals and their behaviour and predation cycles. Marine life behaviour as well. For centuries (well, millenia) farmers used the moon's phases to guide their crop planting and harvesting cycles and other things. Farmer's Almanac was always an interesting read for me. There are many more little facts I could share, but I'm sure anyone that was interested could search (I put 3 interesting links though). I have studied the moon quite a lot here and there in my life, often as a part of astronomy or mythology or other broader interests. But I do love Luna. She's so beautiful glowing up there. And I was born the year she was landed. She has a lot of significance to me, and I've come to notice patterns in her cycles and goings-on here. As above, so below and all that. It kind of pains me a little that modern life has taken her for granted. And of course, she has no light of her own. Her light is a reflection of the sun's, and that of course is what a full moon is. She directly opposes the sun in the sky. New moon, she is in alignment.
She stabilises the earth. Quite literally. And this is all science.
Without the moon, we may not be able to be here. And we have definitely adapted into what we are today in no small part because of that little rock up there.
The personal observations I've made, information I've gleaned was all procured in accordance to scientific method. I may talk about some pretty outlandish things sometimes, but they have gone through an extensive internal critical analysis. I'm not one to put faith in nonsense. The thing about people acting 'lunatic' and what not, well we have free will after all. I think people might not ask the right questions. I don't look at behaviour but at how people
feel. Because someone may feel a certain way or have a certain mood, but that does not mean they will act on it 100% of the time. One must also consider environmental concerns and other factors associated with various times such as a full moon. A person with a lot of stress and general emotional instability or lack of security in their life will likely feel the effects of something more than someone who is happy and secure without much at all to worry about. Or even distractions for that matter. I even forget to keep track of the moon most of the time, but then something will happen, I'll check her position, and yep, I should have known. And I notice trends and tendencies among collective groups. I am very much perceptive to patterns. Many of the people I know have seen my pattern connections for themselves. I was born on a full moon, I'm sure that's part of it too.
But, you know. It's more convenient to think of me as a lunatic.
If We Had No Moon - Astrobiology Magazine
The top 5 things we’d miss if we didn’t have a Moon – Starts With A Bang
How the Moon’s phases affect all life on Earth – Cameron Walker – Aeon