Please, in that case, make more than one post. I myself hate when I have to edit out a text to make it fit character limits.
I had never experienced character limits on internet forums before, but the main reason I started to use the internet back in November 2016, was to learn to write in much simpler terms and to much shorter extents. I will as requested in this thread make more than one post though.
"Important retakes for requisite observation and learning", that is how we should see all our failures or lack of ability to camouflage. And at the same time, by being conscious, we incrementally "deprogram and recondition", in a very slow fashion, since the conditioning and traumatic experiences also happened in a slow pace, we almost couldn't notice it.
Rather than just the programmed conditionings and traumatic experiences happening at a slow pace, it is also the intermediate and fast paced repetitions of which that disassociates us from not only our sense of self, but also our sensibilities.
The go-slow approach is therefore fundamentally important ~ given that our seven interwoven embodiments of sensibility (Personalities) operate in parallel through different dimensional plains, and that re-characterising them under duress to become instead three-dimensionally integrated behaviourisms (Personae) ~ does rather tend to produce complex integrations of conflicting sensory sequences and thought pattens (such as the delusions of inferiority, mediocrity and superiority involved with Inferiority Complexes), which can be somewhat confusing and bewildering if one does not go slowly when coming to terms with them, as being anything from long slow paced traumatic and depressive compressions etcetera to short paced ones, and of course anything inbetween.
Both things being done at the same time: learning how to play well the character; knowing you are not the character.
It is not so much about learning to play the character well ~ as that involves raising the functional levels of the sensational and reproductional embodiments above normal in order to ‘perform’ the re-characterisation of ourselves through the imaginal embodiment, which involves the emotional, communicational, sentimental and rational embodiments functional levels of our sensibilities having to be reduced to below that of normal (i.e., putting them in support or slumber mode) in order to do so.
So rather than learning to play them well, it is though more about learning to observe one’s character roles by way way of their socially enforced drivers, of which there are five:
(1.) Be Perfect
(2.) Be Strong
(3.) Try Hard
(4.) Please Others
(5.) Hurry Up
Which displace our personal needs and replace them with other people’s social desires, as results in compulsive-addictive behaviours involving dependent relationships which are developmentally restrictive and irrational spending which is environmentally unsustainable, especially considering the adversarial re-characterisation of society involving excessive competition and regressive cooperation and all that.
I am reading a lot about "the dark night of the soul".
The more we max-up the functional empowerments of our sensational and reproductional embodiments to re-characterise ourselves through the imaginal embodiment; the more our conscious self’s embodying soul must ‘polarise’ (darken) in order to reduce psychical vitalisation and disempower our emotional, communicational, sentimental and rational embodiments ~ which serves to protect both the actual and the virtual embodiments of one’s selves, at least to a degree and up to point.
I think I am going through this kind of big change, in which I really forget who I am, and this gives me chance to reinvent myself completely.
In that invention involves making or creating something that has never been made or created before, reinventing one’s self involves re-characterising our selves as being dynamic sensibilities (Personalities) to become instead fixed mechanistic behaviourisms (Personae), that ultimately as sensational, reproductional and imaginal energetic undertakings become more and more exhausting and debilitating.
It is healthier therefore not to “reinvent” one’s conscious self as that only involves re-characterising and depleting the functions and capacities of one’s experiential selves, so it is better instead to experientially facilitate and “discover” or “rediscover” that which you truly are ~ in terms of being an indefatigable and vitalising mystery that can never wholly be known, and only ever be partially revealed ~ little by little, bit by bit.
Mostly likely much of what I was will still keep being, even though I can't access those parts of me right now.
You have been using an allistic three-dimensional cognitive process ~ that has as such been incrementally reconfiguring and progressively inhibiting the seven-dimensional interweavings of your autistic physiological and psychological operating system.
I also can't see the new me coming, I am not born yet.
It is healthier not to envision what will be the case but rather instead to care for what is. Focus more upon the gestation of your rebirth or if you have gotten there the labour of which ~ rather than imagining and as such causing the much more exhausting versions of them.
So, I am no where, I am in between, it seems a very interesting state for detachment.
In terms of being “in between” you are experientially ‘there’ as such where you are rather than being nowhere, and that which seems very interesting is the indefatigable mystery of you that vitalises your sensibilities. Hence the three Delphic Temple maxims as being “Know thyself!”, “Nothing to excess!” and “Surety brings ruin!” and thence the expression, "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know!"
Today I was trying to explain to a friend why it was hard for me to talk to people in the new neighborhood I moved in. It is not just the neurodiverse social thing. It is this moment of mine. I told my friend I can't talk to anyone because there is no one here. There is no one inside of me now. I don't have a person inside of me to communicate to other people. I used to have, but this person suffered some abuse, material and spiritual life destroyed whatever person existed inside of me, and now I am awaiting myself to come back.
Either the indefatigable mystery of your conscious self never left and it is only the incompatible ego-state awareness obscuring it that has, or else the ego-state awareness obscuring it was socially and environmentally incorporated with the old neighbourhood ~ and has yet to become so with the people and places of the new one.
If though your ego-state awareness as fixed re-characterisations of Personae has become incompatible and can no longer be embodied by the sensational, reproductional and imaginal sensibilities (involving what is called a behavioural extinction) ~ the remaining fluid characteristics of the emotional, communicational, sentimental and rational sensibilities will embody the characteristics of the lower three, as according to the vitalising facilitation of your conscious (or higher) self, via the depolarisation of the soul.
I feel as if I were a character from a video game and my player left. Every body is playing, all the other characters are moving, but I am frozen, because my player is not commanding me.
It might as if playing a game be time to take your turn now ~ keeping in mind that life is not on the whole a game to be played but rather more a journey to be stayed.
Hopefully this consciousness-player will be back soon and help me to play the game of life. My character used to have lots of powers.
It may be that your character pretence like a childhood game has been outgrown, and by contrast the journey of your self-discovery and -realisation may be beginning anew ~ as in learning to give up on the burdens of social camouflaging and personal masking pretences, perhaps.
Have you ever felt this way?
Yes ~ only from the other perspective of having been as if the computer game player with my characters having gotten glitchy and then having crashed ~ pretty much every couple of years or so with getting glitchy and crashing every four years or so from about the age of twelve in 1983, with the last breakdown having been whilst I was forty during 2011 ~ at which stage I started giving up on the social camouflaging and personal masking state of affairs, and got faithful with myself as being neurologically and behaviourally divergent.