I love all the funny comments but seriously... We now have the technology to do what I would like NT's to experience. With VR goggles and some good headphones... Also give them something to make them mildly nauseous or unsteady... Build a program that lets them live in our world for just a little bit...
They might stop some of the bullying when they see how hard it is for us to function every minute of every day in their world.
I don't know how to create "brain racing" in people who don't think, but it would be worth a try and not real expensive.
What you want to do will likely have an unintended effect you probably do not want. They did studies where they took non-disabled people and gave them disabilities for a day. Vaseline on glasses, or earplugs or wheelchairs, were used.
Afterwards the people who did this became anxious about disabled people and wanted to avoid them. Then they became predjudiced against disabled people. The ones who got to be "Autistic" for a day would probably react the same way.