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Gabapentin and Autism

I have been dealing with as-yet undiagnosed pain and discomfort and have been given gabapentin as an ‘in the meantime‘ measure. I’m not here to discuss my condition or gabapentin in general; I have researched all of that and hope to focus this thread on a particular question.

When I read about this drug and how it works, I have to wonder if it doesn’t accidentally collide with the basic chemistry of autism. Not necessarily in a bad way, either. I don’t want to sway the conversation by saying too much. I would like to know if other autists here have experience with the drug, and what consequences they experienced.

Help, anyone?
Puts me to sleep and not much more. Not much good for arthritis pain.
Different people have differing reactions to drugs. Autistics especially have atypical responses to many medications. For example, anti-histamines, commonly used to combat allergy symptoms and so safe they are available over the counter, make me suicidal.
Interesting…. I have always had an unbelievable tolerance to prescribed opioid pain medication.

And you’re right. The drug is not the problem. It’s always the user. Even aspirin is a drug, so is caffeine. ‘Drugs’ are often vilified because of those who abuse them, and even made illegal for everyone because of the abusers.
I found some Lyrica(Pregablin) that I had from years ago, prescribed for neuropathy. 100mg and a couple of hours later… somehow it switched off the constant chatter in my head. No song playing on repeat, no thoughts about crap I have no control over, no cravings for anything. It didn’t do crap when it was originally prescribed 5 years ago but that’s probably because I was also taking a few other medications.

I’m not saying I found the holy grail or anything like that. However I’m guessing that if I had tried Gabapentin in the right dosage, it might have had a similar effect. My speech is slightly slowed down but that’s probably a good thing since I’m usually talking too fast anyway. And I actually slept without any disturbing dreams. It’s really nice to feel ‘normal’-ish for a change.

I went back to the 100mg (one capsule) of
gabapentin per day. 200mg had too much
of an effect on me mentally.
When I first hurt my back, I was given 2x300mg Gabapentin per day. It didn’t do anything. Dr said it’s a craps shoot. Some folks don’t respond to Gabapentin, but they respond well to Lyrica. I guess I’m in the latter group.
Stopped taking this months ago, have been improving steadily, for instance walked 2.6 km today. probably lost 2 years of recovery due to this prescription.

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