History's great. It's so sad that most young people now a days [at least in America] don't care about it. I am proud to say I am actually a blood relative of one of the Founding Fathers, James Madison himself. He never had any kids, but his brother did, and that's who I am directly descended from. Off the top of my head, I know that my ancestry to him comes from my father's mother's father, my Great Grandfather Ulysses. I don't know it any farther than that.
One of my Great Great Grandmothers was a member of the Choctaw Indian Tribe, while the rest of my family is Irish, English, French, and German. I know that much of my mother's family is Irish, and that I had a more recent ancestor, an irish Fisherman, who immigrated to the US during the Great Potato Famine. My father's family is more English
I had one ancestor from the 1800s who was a Sheriff, and some of my European Ancestors were part of powerful families. My earliest known ancestor was a knight from the 13th Century. I know a lot of this stuff because of a family tree I made for a project I did in 1st Grade [my parents did most of the work]. Of my living relatives, I know that I have relatives who have fought in all three of the major wars of the mid 20th Century. My Paternal Step Grandfather was a member of an Artillery Team in Vietnam. My Maternal Grandfather fought in Korea [he died before I was born, so I don't know him], and my Paternal Great Grandfather [my other Paternal Great Grandfather, not the one descended from James Madison] fought in WWII at the Battle of the Bulge. He's actually still alive, although I rarely talk to him since he lives in Pennsylvania.
Sorry if I sounded a little arrogant there, really. Anywho, I also love general history, especially military history. I'm very knowledgeable about US History [I actually payed attention in History class, so I actually do know this stuff]. I also enjoy world history, and like learning about it whenever I can. I find it very, very unfortunate how little Americans know about other countries. Even I don't actually know that much. I used to watch the History Channel a lot, but the fact of the matter is, all but one of the documentary channels I can think of are actually owned by Fox now, and so I don't watch them anymore since they're constantly pushing conservative views and christianity, even in shows that those things don't belong in. The only one they don't own is the Smithsonian Channel, which I actually only watch on Demand since I can't find it among the channels [I literally have like 1000 of them].