I live in a very small room. Too small even for a table and chair. It is always ordered. Everything has its place. I don’t have much stuff but I have to be disciplined with it; it’s essential. I wouldn’t call it an obsession exactly, more a sense of ordered practicality, and yet I won’t stand, even for a moment, something being out of place or left out.
I would be the same if the room was larger, only my things would naturally be ordered differently to utilise the space more efficiently. Everything that could be would still be put away and only taken out as needed. I always know where everything is.
But I can feel a pressure to accept other things that are out of place, outside my room. Random things, left in the bathroom by other tenants, or especially in the kitchen; unwashed things, things left out, could affect me if I let them, and I have to not let them by not focusing on what's different, or whether they're being untidy or selfish or thoughtless, which are all judgements, and then I don't have to be affected by them. It's a kind of practice, but the potential to be bothered by what other people do always seems to remain.