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Getting depressed again


Well-Known Member
I think I can feel myself getting depressed again. The same thing happened last time...December I was very happy, then I got really depressed again and eventually ended up in a mental hospital. This december I've been feeling brilliant, and now, I'm starting to feel depressed again. This may be because I stopped taking my ADs (Anti Depressants) but w.e.

If you're wondering why I'm even posting this in an AS forum, it's because believe it or not the AS is partly responsible for my case of depression: because of the lack of social ability and friends and stuff. Shucks :(

Really not sure to advise, than to go back to your medication if you think the lack of it is the cause. Hope you don't sink too low. :(
Michael, I have the same problem right now! This is like my 5th day off my Abilify and I only have 2 Wellbutrin tablets left (I take 1 a day). Due to some bureaucratic mixup I can't get my meds and will most likely have to wait a few days. I feel like I'm a cancer to this world. I get on everyone's nerves and everyone gets on my nerves. I'm short-tempered with everyone and everyone is short-tempered with me.
Michael, is it just the time of year perhaps? Me and Chris seem to be affected by SAD at the moment.
I slept like all day today lol. Woke up at 2pm, went back to bed at 3, woke up at 6, went sleep after dinner, woke up about 1 hour ago. And I'm going bed again soon.
Take the god damn meds boy!
Srsly though.
Take them o_O. It's only gonna get worse.
I just participated in a research study on the emotional effects of autism, from what I could gather it sounds like they would agree with you. I certainly couldn't prove them wrong, I've had depression since I was a child and I have OCD and GAD, too.
Turn on the lights! Turn up the heat too. Run around a little bit. Go on a spending spree, call an old friend you haven't talked to in ages, go volunteer somewhere, go to a coffee shop and participate in all the other people's conversations, call a depression hotline, turn on the music full blast and the TV too, just stimulate yourself as much as possible so that if possible you can avoid the mental hospital (I've been 7 times. :) And I need to start taking my own advice.)
With some of the bollocks that comes out of my mouth, going to a coffee shop and participating in other people's conversations would likely get me put into a mental hospital, not keep me out of one. On the website I can go back and edit what I have just said. Not so easy in real life.

I totally agree with Ana54's sentiment though. You need to stop thinking so much. In Thailand a lot of people say that thinking too much is not good for you, and I think that they are onto something. Being busy and interacting with other people can help some people to stave off depression.

I spent one winter in Blighty and about the only thing that kept me sane was tossing on a jacket and going for a long, brisk walk. For at least an hour or 2. I loved feeling the cold air on my face while my body was nice and warm and my hands were tucked in my pockets. Although it kind of sucked that some people seemed to think that nobody in their right mind would be walking around while the temperature was below freezing, so they would let their enormous dogs out to roam the streets :blink: .
Ugh. Hurt myself tonight. I'm gonna do an all nighter and go into school tired I think. Lol. Saying 'lol' even though it's not really funny sort of makes it sound less serious though. And I dont like drama so yeah. Lol.
Lol took my meds this morning. Amazing...I got two hours sleep last night and I dont feel tired at all. Depressed, hell yeah. But tired, no.
That ain't a lot of sleep. I only need 5 or 6 hours sleep to feel completely refreshed, but two?
I need ten to feel refreshed and this is my third night without sleep. It is 4am and I am putting the finishing touches on one midterm essay, then I need to start and finish another one next. AAAAAGH.
I'm kinda feeling OK now. But I'm exhausted because I've been mimicking other people at school to try and get along with them. Social interaction makes me feel exhausted. I got in at 4, fell asleep at 4:30, woke up at half ten, and I am going sleep again in a minute.

Despite not being very depressed atm, my head is a mess. I don't know where I've left stuff so I've lost loads of schoolwork. And the teachers just ****ing nag at me all the time. What do they expect ? They haven't even given me a timetable yet. I NEED SCHEDULE !!!! I told Paul (deputy head) earlier, shouting like, she didn't take any notice.

I wanna smash some stuff up to get rid of this anger. I want to wear short sleeves for once.

One funny thing though, my dad and nan tell me that when I fell asleep earlier, I woke up during it and started looking around the living room for a curry...before stumbling back to the sofa and going back to sleep. I remember doing it and feeling ****ed.

Urgh. I'm so unorganized at the moment. Don't know which work is in for when, what I have to do etc (cus I lost the task sheet) and where I've put work. I'm so close to bursting and shouting at all my teachers. Or breaking something. Or whatever.

Ugh, rambling to people that don't give a **** again (sorry but you all want me to be positive...so this cant be too interesting for you).

Thinking of getting a PD...na **** it. I don't know what I'm getting for my birthday. 3 bottles of vodka and 10 packs of Pro-Plus ? Yes please.
:( Glad your not feeling as depressed at the moment... sounds like you need some downtime though. I think just going to bed for a couple of days would do you some good, mixed with a few hot showers inbetween. Then try and get some of your work done calmly. :)
Hmm..kinda sounds like you were going through withdrawal, and when your cells got the chemicals they were used to they all kinda when "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" in relief and relaxed a tad instead of wanting what wasn't given. Perhaps you should wait next time until you don't have important lessons on the line?

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