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Getting Lost

It's difficult for me to reverse directions in my mind, even when there are only 2 turns. I get lost alot too and it causes lots of anxiety. But I've learned to calm down and actually enjoying finding the new places that come with getting lost.
When travelling internationally for conferences, I would often hire a car for a couple of days after the conference finished and drive around whatever area I was in. I never got lost because much of the time I didn’t know where I was going anyway and had nowhere I had to get to. ;)
When travelling internationally for conferences, I would often hire a car for a couple of days after the conference finished and drive around whatever area I was in. I never got lost because much of the time I didn’t know where I was going anyway and had nowhere I had to get to. ;)
I know what you mean if you don't know where you're going you can't get lost....so i leave Very early for things, even up to an hour early if it's important. Then i have some time to decompress. But I've found some of the most wonderful things from getting lost: neighborhoods, street art, interesting stores, some incredible nature from going off course. When I give myself permission to explore.

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