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Girl Warriors


Your Friendly Neighborhood Minx. Grr! Meow.
I sometimes wonder why more girls (especially feminist girls) don't buy comics, especially due to the fact the whole reason the guy who invented Wonder Woman (Charles Moulton Marston) did so to help the feminist cause, which I write about in this post. He thought girls should have a strong woman to look up to the way boys idolized Superman, but it didn't seem to work.

This definitely confuses me, why feminists don't seem to like the female characters in comic books...and seem to feel they are demeaning to women.

Men might write these women...but if these Uber Women existed in real life...men would be scared shitless. Men are crazy afraid of attractive women who are intelligent, especially if they can fight.

I mean, most men (especially, NT misogynistic men) are intimidated by intelligence in women...period.

Couple that with attractiveness...

...and most can't handle it...

...compound it with a girl who can fight...and they're fully emasculated...

...if presented with said girl in real life.

So, why do feminists despise these types of women?

It, admittedly, confuses me.

Think about it: The men who read these comics (men in general) aren't emasculated by the men (the Uber Men) presented in comic books.

Why aren't they?

Why don't men find these Uber Men (these majestic mutants and idealic Iconic God-Like-Male-Figures) demeaning?

In fact, most of the men who read these comic books are the ones who should feel the most demeaned by these Uber Men, these physically perfect male specimens, yet...

...they are the ones who love reading about these super men the most.

I think it's cuz they're not real...these Uber Men. They're a symbol to aspire to. A mythology to guide men to greatness.

So, again, why feminists condemn the Uber Women in comic books confuses me.

Not to mention the fact feminism should be about celebrating ALL women, not just women the feminist movement deem acceptable and viable to their cause, as they're being just as sexist about women as men by picking and choosing...

...especially when their ideal woman tends to be flawed...

...yet man's ideal man...

...is the Uber Man.

It reminds me of crabs trapped in (or boiling in) a pot...

...of how when one tries to escape...

...the others pull it back down.

I don't really understand why women are like this. I love it when women are hot and intelligent, especially if they can fight.

But maybe that's cuz I'm an Aspie and I'm bisexual.

Anyway, I think rather than look to these women and say...

...I aspire to be the ultimate, like these women represent...

...they look to these women and say...

...what does she have that I don't?

What makes her better than me?

Or why do men want her and not me?

Yet men don't look to the Uber Man and say...

...what does he have that I don't?

What makes him better (cuz they know why...and it makes men like these figures even more)?

Why do women want him and not me (again, cuz they know why...and it makes men like these figures even more)?

As that's not how men think.

They do not compare themselves, but rather...aspire themselves to this type of greatness.

I truly think it goes back to certain biological imperatives, such as the fact...

...we (as women) are typically chosen...

...but men choose.

Yet we (as women) often expect men to overcome their biological imperatives...their desire to ogle and copulate with multiple women.

I think it's time...women tried to overcome theirs...


Do you know what I mean?

I think it would be a triple whammy if more of these types of women could fight. Or the sexy fighting women showed off their brains. I think it is this triple whammy that will pummel misogyny into the dust...

...when more women begin to applaud the Uber Woman...

...aspire to her...

...rather than attempt to condemn or neuter her.

Why don't more women choose such things for themselves? Why don't more women act as the dominant partner rather than read books like Fifty Shades of Grey...and turn it into a best seller book?

Why? Cuz I think most men (most NT men) feel emasculated by such things...and women sense it...so they wait to be asked...and play the "game" and then wonder why men are still misogynistic pigs.

I think it takes a stronger man to be with a stronger woman. And I think most Aspie men appreciate stronger women, but I don't think it's like that with NTs.

I think it's time we women (not just Aspie Women, but ALL women) showed men we're capable of overcoming our own biological imperatives the way we expect them to overcome theirs.

Women need to start preparing themselves for the world that IS. Not the world that SHOULD BE.

Like...why aren't more girls (daughters) taught how to defend thenselves...ourselves? We're %22 smaller on average than men. Men have %25 more lean muscle mass. And are still the most dangerous element in our lives. Yet...boys are still the ones taught self defense, when it's girls who need to learn to defend ourselves against them.


I say...

Shield a girl while she's in your care...
...protect her temporarily.
But teach a girl how to defend herself...
...and protect her for a lifetime.

I think a girl capable of protecting herself requires less validation from others.

And what do they say about a woman who doesn't require external validation:

She is the most feared being on this plan
I have always liked fictional characters that portray strong women, like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Zoe from the "Firefly" series, the television show "Dark Angel," to name a few. I also used to be into Wonder Woman as well.
One reason that I think WW fails to inspire is that she is a neo-mythical. That is, her powers are bestowed, rather than built up or earned. They will only run out when her benefactor gods do (making her very deus ex machina*). She (and her body) are only catalysts for someone else's power (and therefore can be considered irrelevant). That is why I don't like neo-mythicals, male or female. (I DO like WW's costume, though. It would look great paired up with Captain America. ;))

I prefer human heroines & heroes. They can be highly trained (an archetype known as the Omnicompetent Wo/man), technologically enhanced or slightly mutated, but I need to see some degree of human frailty, if I am to identify with them. And they must have power limitations enough so they can play the Underdog (archetype), at times.

For superheroines, my favorites are Catwoman, Black Widow, Danger Girl & Lara Croft, the Tomb Raider.

*Batman, Green Arrow and Iron Man have had this flaw, too.
"Our very lives are hanging in the balance. What should we do...!?"
"It's a good thing that I brought this new [introduced gadget] that I have been working on, then...!"
(My term for this is "Pulling it out of his Arsenal." :D)
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The main reason is the difference in psychology. Men have the whole James Bond effect: all women want him, all men want to be him. We don't care about these characters being over the top and unrealistic because we use them as a power fantasy. Men can see a man in better shape and admire it, either wanting to be like that or knowing they're too lazy and forgetting about it. Because of that we can see these images and enjoy it no matter what.

Women, from what I've seen, don't have that. Anything better than them will at least 90% of the time will be called a ***** and judged. I can't count the times a woman with a slim body has been instantly accused of being lucky or starving themselves by women bigger than them.

The other issue is that feminists in this day and age are a very confused and contradictory group that just like to complain and aren't worth listening to. They demand more diversity in comics but when more diverse comics are made none of these people buy them. I even saw an article written by a feminist saying not to blame the audience for not buying comics. They complain about lack of female characters (despite there being many) but aren't willing to put their money where their mouth is and support the comics made to please them. Thus the comics fail to sell and get cancelled and they can continue complaining about a lack of these characters.

Another issue with them is that any female character is bound to be labelled as sexist. Again because these people aren't interested in the stories and judge everything by the look. It's why every female character is critisiced for their skintight costumes even though the male characters all wear skintight costumes. So it's sexist for having something that resembles human anatomy? They then pull the card that says the female characters that do sell are also power fantasies for men even though as you say these men wouldn't like those women in real life.

The fact is that people like compelling characters and stories no matter what. Feminists don't care about that and don't consider anything past face value. They don't care about comics and won't buy comics because running a business means less to them than their own sensibilities. In their minds they shouldn't have to spend money and buy comics so that the diverse comics can continue. If a more diverse comic fails it only proves their point that everyone else is the problem.
Men might write these women...but if these Uber Women existed in real life...men would be scared shitless. Men are crazy afraid of attractive women who are intelligent, especially if they can fight.
Not true. A strong and/or intelligent woman can stand up to (inevitable) hardships better, and have my back. A woman who is unnecessarily contentious is going to be a turn-off no matter how smart or strong she is or isn't.

"Two are better than one,
because they have a good return for their labor:

If either of them falls down,
one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
and has no one to help them up.

Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm.
But how can one keep warm alone?

Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves.
A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
" Ecclesiastes 4:9-12
The way I see it, modern day feminists followed the path of modern day liberal Democrats, and actually mainstream Republicans as well. They all diverged from being concerned with the welfare of people, to beginning the pursuit of controlling them instead. It's all a big progressive political mind game the elite play with the masses now.

As for feminists, they are so offended by the smallest transgressions that they make themselves laughable. They don't like Wonder Woman for her inherent sexuality and feminine appeal. To their minds, all women should be equally appealing, which is not the case realistically. They don't believe in "aspiring" to something or bettering oneself. They think everyone is fine the way they are. This, to me, is a mistake, because if it were the case, no one would be inspired to achieve greatness. So much vital potential would be lost, both for men and women really.

Now, for why women themselves are not identifying with the Uber Female, I think both the Patriarchal society and the feminists are to blame. Patriarchal society strives to keep women in "their place," but feminism does pretty much the same in the way I described above. They want women in the role they determine. Not really autonomous, but just another sheep following a different shepherd.

I think modern women are more confused than ever about their roles.

We have the Uber Female showing up more and more in the TV and film industry, and it might just take more time, and possibly a feminine "revolution" of sorts to get to where women can really think for themselves without one force or another demanding conformity.

So, then it really does make perfect sense why men view their superheroes differently. Men celebrate their masculinity, while women are left in the gray area of a fading male dominated society, and an inadequate alternative (i.e. feminism).

Still, there are some of us who do embrace our strength and sexuality in spite of social convention, while maintaining our softer feminine characteristics. I attribute my own empowerment to watching strong female role models on TV, most notably, Emma Peel on the BBC show The Avengers. I was probably five or six when I was exposed to this type of woman, and I immediately sought to emulate her. That was when I tried to get my mother to send me to karate lessons.

The one thing I don't want to see happen is woman losing what makes us special though, our nurturing, caring and compassion. Without that, the world would be lost.

It's rather sad to note that when women assert themselves or hold strong opinions, they are considered "b*tches," while men may be considered *ssholes, but are respected for it. And this label is applied by both men and other women.

It may simply require more time and a movement that embraces all a woman can be without hiding her superior physical features or intellect under a bushel to keep from offending less formidable females. Women should and need to be taught respect for each other, as men are, and break the biological imperative to compete against each other.
Very interesting post. Do you know her? https://www.youtube.com/user/feministfrequency

I love to be a woman and thus, like women a lot. Especially heroines in movies and books and comics. Some heroines use their love or wisdom, endurance or compassion to succeed, others are hot as hell and use their attractiveness, have guns or fight. Whatever they use, I find it cool as long as they get what they want and as long as what they want is a good thing. Perhaps, a lot of women don't trust other women, because they think that we are not loyal to each other (which is often true, unfortunately). I am very loyal to women, they can be better than me and more attractive or whatever, I'm not afraid of that. Because if I was better in some stuff than other women or more attractive I would not harm them, at least not deliberately, and I would not steal away their boyfriends or whatever. So, I expect that they would not do that with me. If they try, I get very angry thinking this is exactly what weakens our position as women.

As already posted from Cali Cat (at least as I understand the post), feminists suppress women as some men do, just in other ways. And I also agree with Sylar that feminists complain a lot. But complaints don't bring you anywhere.

In the last time, there are some men speaking up about feeling intimidated and put under pressure by the bodies of heroes. More and more men spend hours in the gym to get a six pack and gain some guns (getting big arms). But in our society, men are not supposed to feel unsure about themselves, so they keep quiet. Have you noticed this trend, too, or do you think I'm wrong?
It's why every female character is critisiced for their skintight costumes even though the male characters all wear skintight costumes.
The costumes (male & female) are a major draw to the genre for me. IIRC, the first (Superman's) was based on that of a circus acrobat.
Feminist hate Wonder Woman, because she has a nice ass, nice tits, a perfect body and she's a bad-ass. Everything they aren't and are too lazy to be. So rather than workout, get fit and be healthy; they moan and complain about fictional characters and how "sexist" it is to show off attractive women in art. They crusade around about not slut shaming and go topless for protests, yet when a female character shows some ass it's an atrocity. Yet, they remain silent about how women are treated in the middle east, where there really is oppression. If feminists had any courage, they would go after Islam. F*** third wave feminism. I wonder if this post will be deleted. If it is, I'm gone. Anyway, that's the answer to your question.
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Wow, sexiest much? I can say a lot of BS too, but since I'm a man it would be considered offensive. For example, I could state that if women are 22% smarter on average, how come they choose to go into fields that pay a low salary, such as the social sciences and not go into fields such as engineering? I could go on to state, where are all the popular female scientists? You see what I did there? By the way, I would LOVE to find a smart, assertive, NON-passive aggressive woman; one who's honest and nurturing. Women who don't have a victim complex like those who prescribe to third wave feminism, are sexy.
The way I see it, modern day feminists followed the path of modern day liberal Democrats, and actually mainstream Republicans as well. They all diverged from being concerned with the welfare of people, to beginning the pursuit of controlling them instead. It's all a big progressive political mind game the elite play with the masses now.

As for feminists, they are so offended by the smallest transgressions that they make themselves laughable. They don't like Wonder Woman for her inherent sexuality and feminine appeal. To their minds, all women should be equally appealing, which is not the case realistically. They don't believe in "aspiring" to something or bettering oneself. They think everyone is fine the way they are. This, to me, is a mistake, because if it were the case, no one would be inspired to achieve greatness. So much vital potential would be lost, both for men and women really.

Now, for why women themselves are not identifying with the Uber Female, I think both the Patriarchal society and the feminists are to blame. Patriarchal society strives to keep women in "their place," but feminism does pretty much the same in the way I described above. They want women in the role they determine. Not really autonomous, but just another sheep following a different shepherd.

I think modern women are more confused than ever about their roles.

We have the Uber Female showing up more and more in the TV and film industry, and it might just take more time, and possibly a feminine "revolution" of sorts to get to where women can really think for themselves without one force or another demanding conformity.

So, then it really does make perfect sense why men view their superheroes differently. Men celebrate their masculinity, while women are left in the gray area of a fading male dominated society, and an inadequate alternative (i.e. feminism).

Still, there are some of us who do embrace our strength and sexuality in spite of social convention, while maintaining our softer feminine characteristics. I attribute my own empowerment to watching strong female role models on TV, most notably, Emma Peel on the BBC show The Avengers. I was probably five or six when I was exposed to this type of woman, and I immediately sought to emulate her. That was when I tried to get my mother to send me to karate lessons.

The one thing I don't want to see happen is woman losing what makes us special though, our nurturing, caring and compassion. Without that, the world would be lost.

It's rather sad to note that when women assert themselves or hold strong opinions, they are considered "b*tches," while men may be considered *ssholes, but are respected for it. And this label is applied by both men and other women.

It may simply require more time and a movement that embraces all a woman can be without hiding her superior physical features or intellect under a bushel to keep from offending less formidable females. Women should and need to be taught respect for each other, as men are, and break the biological imperative to compete against each other.
Much, much, much respect to you. Sadly, women like your are becoming less and less. That's why I usually won't even talk to women who are under 30.
Feminist hate Wonder Woman, because she has a nice ass, nice tits, a perfect body and she's a bad-ass. Everything they aren't and are too lazy to be. So rather than workout, get fit and be healthy; they moan and complain about fictional characters and how "sexist" it is to show off attractive women in art. They crusade around about not slut shaming and go topless for protests, yet when a female character shows some ass it's an atrocity. Yet, they remain silent about how women are treated in the middle east, where there really is oppression. If feminists had any courage, they would go after Islam. F*** third wave feminism. I wonder if this post will be deleted. If it is, I'm gone. Anyway, that's the answer to your question.

Well said !!! Kudos to you!

Good to know I'm not the only one who recognizes these things.
Wonder Woman fullfills a male fantasy, she is so hypersexualized, and consequently I will never look up to her or aspire to be like her. It would have meant aspiring to be a sexual object, whether for men or women.

If it's about female superheroes, I guess Noriko Ashida for me. She is no Emma Frost (who eventually grew on me) but no Jean Grey either. In fact, she might as well have been a boy, since her characterization isn't specifically spun around feminine stereotypes.
My female superhero would be a mild-mannered attractive woman who wanted to fight crime and serve her country. Who as a mild-mannered insurance underwriter turned in her pen and calculator for a gun and some real guts, as a US Marshall. Who went on to infiltrate a well-known organized criminal gang for several months.

But you won't find her in comic books, television or the movies. She's a very real person. I once had the privilege of mentoring her as an underwriter many years ago. A lovely human being, but you wouldn't want to get on her bad side. :cool:

Of course I wouldn't dream of mentioning her by name for the obvious reasons.

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