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Well-Known Member
First of all, finding this community of people who already understand me and who I can relate to, amazing...what I've wanted my entire life, just for a single person to understand, you know?

I'm 26, and grew up wondering what was wrong with me, or what was wrong with everybody else (the answer still eludes me)...I was never familiar with AS, or for that matter, familiar with any ASD growing up. I only learned about the character traits of AS a couple months ago, and literally about had a revelation inside my house after reviewing them. When I was an infant my Mother actually put a helmet on me because I would rock back-and-forth so violently she thought my head needed the protection (which should indicate to any licensed MD something isn't quite right), so she took me to see the doctor who advised my Mom there was nothing to worry about (sweet doctor, I know) and I would grow out of that behavior, eventually. Also, during my adolescent years riding inside the car, I would always rock my body back-and-forth bouncing my head repeatedly off the head rest, to a rhythm dictated by the current mood I was experiencing at the time. I did this (stim, I believe is the term) all the way through HS, and still find myself holding back the urge to sway back-and-forth (as people have pointed out how 'loony' I look), but especially while inside a car, as the soothing effect of this motion is unreal. I managed to make it through public schooling without obtaining a single friend, romantic relationship, or anything remotely close...Feeling a complete disconnect from the world around me I dropped out of HS my last 2 years to finish up online, because I simply did not, and could not, blend/act naturally enough to keep the bully's from being, bully's. I completed the last 2 years of HS in just 1, graduated early and was able to convince my Mother to let me skip my graduation ceremony, as it was pointless in my eyes and only held promise of a social disaster.

Fast forward from age 18 to 26, I've been to three different universities and dropped out each time, while only needing about 20 credits to finish up my degree, making it so close, but so far away. My current job is in the manufacturing industry, where I get to work completely alone and is strictly routine based, performing the same task over and over again, and I absolutely love it. On top of that, it's not a dead-end career/company which holds many promotional opportunities with reasonable income(s), which would make my life a little more comfortable.

To this day I do not have a single friend in real life, as my "social skills" are pathetic at best. Also, I'm entirely content without any, as they'd probably just annoy me anyways...I do however, have a hell of a desire to obtain a female partner, as I see purpose in this relationship, not only in starting/making a family, but also fulfilling my emotional need I have towards someday being able to bond with someone on a very deep level.

Traits in myself that now have me seeking a professional diagnosis, which in my mind should have been discovered much earlier (25 years or so, earlier). Makes me wonder how different my life would have turned out if that did happen, hmm, idk.

-Complete lack of empathy
-Socially Inept - I don't have a clue if I'm acting right/wrong, always wondering if I'm acting "appropriately" while trying to decode the secret language of facial/nonverbal communication
-No Conversation Skills - The only time I can hold a reasonable, well rounded conversation, is when I'm the "puppet master" and I hold a convo with myself, talking aloud in a debate kind of fashion, back-and-forth bouncing my ideas/thoughts off of two different "verbal" entities...
-Obsessive compulsions towards my interests/research (this was mainly political a couple years back, now it's all about MBTI research, 24/7 lol)
-Follow Routines - My current job, which I love repeating over-and-over (first time I can honestly say, I like what I do).. I wore the same clothes everyday, and still only have a single pair of jeans with only about 3 different button ups ... I also ate/eat the same thing, everyday
-ADHD diagnosis from the time I was in middle school...I believe this is wrong or I "suffer" from both disorders.
-Sensitivity to sound, which I now wear ear plugs to combat this ... sensitivity to light is worse, especially at night, where the other cars' headlights' all merge into one extremely large halo, which moves/flows like a liquid, almost like a waterfall made from light...I wear my sunglasses at night so I don't crash/die.

Sorry for the length, and if I bored the **** out of anyone...and again, hello to you all, it's nice to be here.
Hello Levitikuz,
There is nothing wrong with you, you have a gift. You just have to figure out what you want to do with it. I too wish I would have been diagnosed much earlier, and wonder what things would have been like.
As far as people go, it is worth it, no matter how many failures you have, keep trying or at least be open to one coming around.
"Better To Have Loved And Lost, Than Never To Have Loved At All"
Hi Levitikuz! Welcome to Aspies Central.

Don't be worried about the length of the intro. It wasn't boring at all; I thought it was a great intro.

As Peace so wonderfully said, there is nothing wrong with having AS. Sure, there are many hardships that we might have, but if you have a good understanding of what works for you, you will certainly go far in life with some determination and confidence in who you are. People with AS are indeed quite gifted and have a lot to offer in this world.

If you ever need anyone to talk to, please don't hesitate to come here any time you like. We're extremely friendly and understanding individuals. You have come to a great place I can guarantee that because many of us do go through exactly the same things you are going through.

Hope you enjoy all we have to offer here.
Thanks, Peace.

In my gut I feel as though you are correct, but at the same time my instincts seem to put up a wall towards people, as less people can only mean the less you can get f'd over by someone.

Jacki, thanks for the kind words, I'm still having a hard time looking at it with a positive outlook, as you so beautifully do. The ''shock'' of having AS explain so much throughout my life is still consuming me a little, but as I become more educated on this topic I can really only see positives rather than negatives emerge.
Thanks, Peace.

In my gut I feel as though you are correct, but at the same time my instincts seem to put up a wall towards people, as less people can only mean the less you can get f'd over by someone.

I've found that you only need to have one person in your life who really accepts you. And that person can make all the pain you encountered along the way of finding that person worth it.

As you gain a sense of community here, that might restore a teeny bit of trust in humans. (if Aspies are humans. No supremacy meant)
Jacki, thanks for the kind words, I'm still having a hard time looking at it with a positive outlook, as you so beautifully do. The ''shock'' of having AS explain so much throughout my life is still consuming me a little, but as I become more educated on this topic I can really only see positives rather than negatives emerge.

You're very welcome. I know that it's hard to look at having AS in a positive light. It took me years to be comfortable with who I am too.

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