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Greetings & Salutations


I was hooked on MMORPG when I was younger. Guild Wars2 and specially SadowBane.

Now I play more casual, but not MMORPGs. Mostly Blood Bowld from Warhammer universe.
Welcome! Here is my fav Swedish metal....they do a LOT of history and historical battles. Every song is like a mini history lesson. Sabaton.

Welcome- omg. Our rattie chihuahua was super smart and even knew when we were discussing her. Stubborn and not scared of anything. She had little white like stocking markings on her legs and sounded like she was wearing heels when she walked on floor.

Lots of dog and cat lovers here. And cooks and gamers. Look forward to hearing from you.
Hi & welcome

I'm a dog fan too. Have 4 Chihuahua and Chihuahua mixes. But I am really bad at training. I don't have the necessary aptitude for it I guess. And my heart isn't in it. Dogs are very much like people to me and I wouldn't go leading people around on a leash and telling them to roll over. Instead I try to explain things to them and use reason and get their opinion on things. You can guess how well that is working. ;) But I must be doing something right I guess and everyone, especially vetinary staff, say they all are the sweetest Chihuahua's they have come accross. Good with people, easy to handle, etc.

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