It is probably a good thing that you were unable to talk right at birth.
"Wow! that felt weird..."
would probably be a shock to most new parents...!
(I think that you need teeth
to make certain sounds correctly, anyway.
) whisper
You need more than teeth!
Learning to pronounce words was hard enough even as the infant body grew.
Think of all the things a baby has to practice to be able to grow and acheive.
Walking, talking, eating, toilet training, brushing those teeth!
Oh, my. That one was a big deal for me. How I hated brushing my teeth.
Even up to around 8 yrs. old I gagged.
There's learning to read and write,play, ride a bike, etc.
Now imagine you're in that infant body that has not mastered any of the skills of life as a human yet,
but, put your mind as you know it now inside. That place in the brain we call thought.
The inner talk and understanding. The place that feels like what you call self inside the brain of
an infant and imagine how frustrating that would be.
Since most people can't remember any younger than 3 to 4 years old, it would be interesting to know
if we do have that consciousness capability from the start but can't remember it.
I've not known any in real life or if I did I was unaware.
There have been a few I've read about that can remember back to the day they were born.
How their minds thought, they didn't say.
First memory: In incubator with my mouth going like a fish out of water and knocking with my fists.
Second day: In the room with the rest with a baby straight jacket type thing that kept my hands
tied with the end of the sleeves, because I constantly scratched at my face.
Second day also: Being brought to my Mom and the nurse trying to get her to learn how to feed me.
I didn't want to take the bottle. Mom laid me down on the bed and started to go to the bathroom.
Nurse said never do that. Never leave a baby unattended even for a few minutes.
They can do things you'd never imagine.
Third day: Being in Mom's arms, being pushed in wheel chair to a car where a friend of my parents
was waiting with my Dad in the back seat. Nurse picked me up until Mom got in front seat by
the friend. She hands me to her.
Friend says to Dad, "Don't you want to hold your baby daughter for the first time?" And Mom handed
me back to Dad.
Could go on and on. But, it was funny when we got home, Dad had not assembled my crib yet
and Mom was mad. They put me in a dresser drawer for my first night home!
Posted once before about this wondering if anyone else had a similar experience.
Maybe they just don't remember.