Since the pictures of my post were removed it is difficult for others to understand what you are referring to so I want to stress that the biggest part of them showed a tweet detailing and showing screenshots of sexually aggressive behavior by a colleague.
What you are referring to, I guess, is the attached reddit page reiterating the issue. So yeah, that would definitely be a weak argument for doubting that really happened, considering the screenshots and repeated assertions from female members on this site that this happens.
Not sure if I am allowed to link the tweet without showing its contents. Not crazy about getting banned.
I also responded to you with a link which was deleted. I guess it’s about policy, potentially overwhelming moderators sifting through links or threats to advertising dollars, so no Ill will in any way to to this site or to moderators or policy or anything else, but I do like discussions with links backing up arguments with facts, so this can become a bit frustrating.
See, I do not doubt very much that the person in your original links was just being honest and seeking justice against females being tormented, it’s just that I have experienced basically exactly the same things from gay men, but social messages seem to say this is hate and I get punished for being upset about just as valid of things as women get upset about, but where usually women are allowed leeway
I like open discussions with links and no banning and on and on, so I would have liked to have a conversation with you with competing links, but I get why such things sometimes just cannot happen