Au Naturel
Au Naturel
I have serious issues with it too. We don't even have a solid definition of what autism is. Diagnosis is mostly just an informed opinion and the definition keeps changing. Predicting it is going to be sketchy. They also declined to reveal their data, another hit to their credibility.Yeah, the links are the bolded words: some metals and predict autisim diagnoses.
I am generaly not smart enough to get the whole picture. But I have alarm bells going off in my head that this is junk science. Especially after reading this (from the same article)
"But it is unclear how hair could provide information about exposures that occurred prenatally, when autism is thought to develop, Miller says. The first centimeter or so of hair growing from a follicle generally reflects only the past 30 days of someone’s exposures, though it’s feasible signatures extending beyond the hair’s lifespan could be detected with more development, he says."
I also take note that they are saying they don't care if we don't know how autism would leave chemical markers in hair as long as it works. That makes me even more skeptical.
Hopefully, we'll learn more as the FDA begins to review it.