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Has Anyone Here Have/Had Difficulties In Autism Groups?

Apparently, I'm not autistic enough to join an autism support group, according to the facilitators.
I attended a few meeting several years back. I sense that the other participants were experiencing challenges more limiting than my own challenges.

Many support groups don't last long - as many members increasingly feel that support groups are not beneficial. Any specific groups that have lasted for several years, and have large memberships?
RELATED: Personally, I felt that support groups were not beneficial. Support-groups may overlook reassessing one's own strengths in order to better reassess one's weaknesses - hence proven beneficial steps.

Too many support-groups are inclined to focus on (emotional issues) weaknesses - the opposite of reassessing one's strengths in order to reassess one's weaknesses. My strengths are focusing on practical, everyday things (non-emotional issues). Again, support-groups can overlook such practical agendas.

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