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have you been called odd or eccentric?

If people are not offended that's okay I guess but maybe people generally maybe need to think before saying someone is weird or something similar as it could be potentially hurtful.
Has anyone here been called odd or eccentric? I was reading this article and I am wondering. To me, there is nothing negative about how you are and it would be boring if everyone was exactly the same.

Autistic...or just odd? - Health and wellbeing - Home - National Autistic Society - our Community

Not sure if I'm autistic or not but I seem to get the same feedback anywhere. The first line comes from people who don't know me well.
  • arrogant, cold, aloof
  • like a butterfly, sensitive
  • dreamer
  • intelligent
  • caring
How about when a well meaning nt explains to you what someone meant, like you are a primitive child in a new world?

The worst feeling in the world is when people translate 'what you mean' to others because they believe you can't talk for yourself.
The worst feeling in the world is when people translate 'what you mean' to others because they believe you can't talk for yourself.

That grinds my gears. Even worse is when they try to tell YOU "what you mean". "You said X. That means Y." No, it doesn't, it means X!!! :mad:

Sometimes it seems people are so committed to misunderstanding me that I wonder if I'm speaking in tongues. I've had hours long arguments over what I meant, and no matter how many times I say it, rephrase it, explain it, the person STILL insists that I'm saying something other than what I'm saying. :mad::mad::mad:

I really thought I spoke pretty decent English. I guess not. (It's not just one person, either, though some are worse than others. It's many people over the course of my lifetime.)
I call myself odd. It's what I'm normally called by others not autistic-insane due to how involved I can get in my special interests, strange, weird, eccentric, crazy, etc.

There's nothing bad with being called odd, but I am offended when someone calls me schizophrenic for staring off into the distance daydreaming. Which is why I don't daydream in public anymore.
That grinds my gears. Even worse is when they try to tell YOU "what you mean". "You said X. That means Y." No, it doesn't, it means X!!! :mad:

Sometimes it seems people are so committed to misunderstanding me that I wonder if I'm speaking in tongues. I've had hours long arguments over what I meant, and no matter how many times I say it, rephrase it, explain it, the person STILL insists that I'm saying something other than what I'm saying. :mad::mad::mad:

I really thought I spoke pretty decent English. I guess not. (It's not just one person, either, though some are worse than others. It's many people over the course of my lifetime.)

Those ppl suck
That grinds my gears. Even worse is when they try to tell YOU "what you mean". "You said X. That means Y." No, it doesn't, it means X!!! :mad:

I've had several times where I said something and someone asked, "What do you mean by that?" - and I reply, "Exactly what I said. Why would I say that if I didn't mean it?"
I've had several times where I said something and someone asked, "What do you mean by that?" - and I reply, "Exactly what I said. Why would I say that if I didn't mean it?"
That on it's own shows you're an Aspie. NTs normally have agendas for what they say, often social agendas. They sometimes see aggression or challenge in unvarnished truths we offer. Because what did we mean by it?
I don't believe in apologising for who I am and if someone tries to verbal abuse me it's a disability hate crime and they are the one with the problem.

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