Well-Known Member
Hmm..not entirely sure what you mean but love has many forms, friendship can reach high levels on the love meter, am not referring to romantic love. I think the state of ones social life, or the lack thereof can affect the value placed on who you love too. My first cat Pooky came along just as my life fell in on me. My family had sabotaged my efforts to court a nice girl who was now a doctor, that I knew from childhood. And I ended up getting 2 heart attacks from DVT blood clot in my leg from my doomed sailing trip to see her. So I was generally hating the whole world when Pooky my first cat came along to keep me company. So when Pooky died of feline leukemia I nearly died my self. But I doubt I would feel that level of loss with my new cats as I'm far less socially isolated now. My point being isolation may increase feelings of loss as you have less other sources of love to fall back on, whether it was romantic, a friend, family member, or a pet. Perhaps Jad is right the only way to shorten grief is to find some one new to love. Too much invested in one person could be a sign your social circle is too small.
I understand what you are saying about isolation. Well, I do have a very small social circle, but I don't usually get overly attached to people like that, I always need my space. And I think here it's like with any other special interest: we don't choose it consciously, we just get obsessed with something and we can't quit it before the obsession runs its course (at least with me it's like this), only in this case it is a person.
With this friend of mine, I felt a very deep connection the first day I met him, I felt like I have been known him for years, I was able to talk to him right away without any problem. (Usually it takes for me a lot of time to get used to a person before I can feel at least a little comfortable, with very rare exceptions.) It was so unusual for me that I started overthinking it and I guess there the obsession has started.. Back then I didn't know about Asperger's, didn't know about "special interests", I just was scared by intensity of an obsession with a person, afraid to screw up my marriage at last, I mean, I love my husband! Funny part of it is that he (my husband) totally saw what was going on (I am not able to hide my emotions at all), and he was able to understand that I wasn't trying to cheat on him, hehe. I think he subconsciously figured out my probable being Aspie even before I did and he was very supportive.
I'm sorry you had to go through so much pain and even heart attacks... And I'm sorry for Pooky.