I've run across this one from a Catholic priest at the college which I attend (a very small Catholic liberal arts college.) He denied that high-functioning autism exists, sticking with the Asperger's designation, then decided to ask my political affiliation--I answered Liberal, so he concluded that I must have a demon. I concluded that spiritual direction is not for me at this point.
My girlfriend is also autistic, and a die-hard Catholic. She's gotten the soft-pedaled approach to this--the idea that everything can just be "prayed away." Some people don't actually realize that a psychological issue may need something other than prayers to resolve; God gave man Reason and Science for a good cause! Now she's doing better.
I know living in the deep south again I'm meeting people who think anyone who isn't Just Like Them has got to be mentally ill or demonically affected.
If you've ever maybe gotten the sense,
@Greatshield17, that I am deliberately unfriendly to traditionalist Catholics, or to Conservatives in general, this is all some of my reasoning for avoiding that group/lifestyle.