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Have you told people on other forums you have autism?


Well-Known Member
I mean on none autistic forums. Have you ever said on there you have autism or just tell people there you have it just so they understand you better and not misread your actions or assume you're a troll or trying to provoke them or stir up **** when things go wrong?

Did you get treated better there or did things stay the same because they didn't give a ****? Or were things worse?

I have never told anyone I have AS whenever something go wrong because I am afraid it be seen as an excuse and what if the issue had nothing to do with AS. Plus they might not care and still keep treating me bad and say I used it as an excuse.
I told one guy on a gaming forum via a Private Message as we were discussing general life and what I had been up to outside of the forums. I pointed out that I had AS so didn't socialise much or leave the house much at that time. It didn't really do anything other than he said he was sorry to hear that (not that I had intended to be treated any better/worse - it was just casually brought up in conversation).
I never talk about my diagnosis on other forums other than AS forums plus I use a different nickname to remain hidden and not known.
It kinda blows now that there is only one forum that I actually said it in, but it was a mental health forum, but I don't know if that counts?
I have made made autism threads on other forums and found out that there was quite a few people on those site that have it also. I was treated the same, but I was never treated bad on any of them.
I've only ever been on AS/autism sites, even though I'm not autistic. When people say they have it it's either 'ho hum' or 'so what'. I can see where announcing it would leave you wide ofpen on no-AS sites, but if you don't worry about what is said, then I guess there isn't any problem.
Once but only because the other member asked if anyone other than himself had it.

Other than that, I usually keep it to myself.
Nope. Only once ages ago on a forum when some guy made a joke when he told someone that they make worse jokes that a kid that has downs and is autistic. So I went butthurt at the autistic bit and had a go at him, but I wouldn't do that now though because I don't want to look whiney.
I participate in a few non-AS related forums, and my AS isn't something I ever bring up there. I don't really have any reason to, and I see that as something that falls pretty squarely into the "none of your business" category for most people I interact with.
I'd rather not say; one of them requires users to use their real names, and I'd like to stay as anonymous as possible around here. There are a couple more that I used to participate in but quit because I either lost interest in them or found to be a little hostile after a while (I'd rather not mention them either).
There's one board that I am on where I believe I mentioned once I suspected I had Asperger's. I believe the thread was about people who have trouble with social skills and don't socialize much. Nobody really made anything of it. Although, I noticed on the same board there was somebody who compared Asperger's to something else that they felt didn't exist and was made up. :skeptical: I resisted the urge to say anything though because I figured it would just cause problems.
Nope. I don't trust anyone else with my H.F.A. diagnosis other than on forums like this which are specifically geared towards people with ASDs.

(just using common examples here, I don't agree with any of this)

If you tell them Asperger's, you get told that it's "made up and fake" and that it's used by "whiny emo kids" and "basement dwellers" to justify their lack of initiative to deal with the world around them. If you say it's H.F.A, you get compared to people like Christian Chandler (a piss poor example of H.F.A) - then you get called a idiot and your opinion becomes mush. Any attempt to validate said opinions and/or defend yourself from there just results in more drama, and eventually you're forced to ditch the forum and find another diversion. The irony in this is that there's supposedly a connection between trolls and freeloaders, not always the case but I find it interesting that many have nothing else better to do than sit around and stir up drama all day long.

Sorry for the verbosity and I know it sounds a bit whiny but please, don't give me any pity. I'm happy to be with the company of like minded people, or without if it means me having to fake being someone that I'm not.
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I've never done so, in fear of the possibility of being attacked by the other members all the time, afterwards. I go on the Internet to have fun, not to get attacked for something I have no control over.
I was diagnosed recently after my younger son was diagnosed. And now I prefer to tell people otherwise I would have to explain my behavior all the time or deal with looks and comments. It's much easier now. I can just say - I have Asperger's, that's why I blahblahblah:-)
Before I was just eccentric, weird, a little crazy (which is a norm for an artist :-)) but being strange doesn't explain everything. So, yes I do tell to everyone, besides the people from my parents' little town. My mom's afraid that I'll be judged, that they'll be talking behind their backs:" have you heard, that Luda ( that's my name) is actually crazy, like officially crazy :-))) I know it's ridiculous and I personally don't care but I don't want to cause any trouble for my parents :-) if the village finds out, they will have to deal with it :-) yeah, I was just reading, that the question was about forums, so I decided to add a few words. I always say it when I feel it's appropriate. I'm proud of being on the spectrum, not like " I've got an award" kind of proud but being unique proud. There's much more to Autism than disfunction and I know it very well, and I believe "normal" folks will understand it as well one day.
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I'm on a BJD (Ball Jointed Doll) forum an mentioned it only a couple of times. See I am trying to say it more often now because of and incident with ex-friends on the site ( I did actually know them in person first) but one told me that I was a liar of omission for not telling her for three years (was officially diagnosed 2.5yrs ago during an internship for grad school) That I don't know how to be friends with anyone and that I was just saying I had Asperger's as an excuse. I wasn't I just felt like i finally needed to tell her because well we were having major issues. So I have started to people more often as a result with mixed results. Some people get pissed off. Other people ask why I didn't say anything sooner. And some people just shrug and say so what.

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