She says why use 10 words when I can use 100.
I agree the long version really makes it harder to understand the main point .
The stories go the very long way around, it can be about a car but heads off into
the colours of the cat that used to live next door, why the man looked like the guy that fixed a radiator 20 years ago, it all is part of a long wandering story that she even gets lost in the middle of ... I'm then asked to explain where she was upto
On a story I have no idea about or where it's heading.
Hugging for no apparent reason is very strange . I guess there is a reason but I'll just feel really fake.
More fake ....?
understands/agrees a whole new argument, sometimes people are just wrong but your ment to bypass that fact and dish out support.
Even more confusing !
Yeah...we tend to ramble a bit!

My BF agrees with you on the hug thing. Unfortunately, it's sometimes necessary for me to feel better, not him. He doesn't have to understand it, nor agree with it. He's not the one who's hurting.
When he is hurting, he can freely ask me for whatever it is I can give him that will make him feel better/loved. Mostly that's leaving him alone to work things out.
This is one of the arguments we get into; he "disagrees with" things I say I want or need because they don't make sense to him. But they make sense to me, and there is no "proof" or right/wrong answer. I know myself better than he does, and I know enough to ask for what I need.
All he needs to do is figure out whether or not he can give it to me. Sometimes he can, sometimes he can't. Then it's my job to understand that he loves me just the same.
Sometimes he might be upset with me, or feeling very sensitive, and a hug is just something he can't do. It's not fake if he hugs me even if he doesn't "feel it" deep down at the moment; he does care for me.
(It would be "fake" if he hugged me while really hating my guts and pretending to care, though!)
But for him to say: "No, I won't hug you when you ask me to because it doesn't make sense to me that you need it" or just refuses to do it because he can't be interrupted from what fun things he's doing at the moment, that would really be detrimental to our relationship.
Because if he's withholding something he is capable of doing simply because he thinks "knows better", that's destructive.
That said, I would never ask him, or anyone, to do something that goes against their ethics or moral code. But if hugging me, someone he loves, is something so horrible that he will be harmed by doing it, then we're both with the wrong people...