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Health Issues

Generalized anxiety disorder (self-diagnosed but very prevelant). This has become significant after something I did last year.

Also I'm starting to think that I have ADD. But I don't want to self-diagnose myself on this one. Sometimes I go into this state where my eyes dart around and I can't focus well. It could just be from the activity from last year.
My mom is so confident she can judge how I feel, and how to fix things, that I rarely see a doctor. I haven't been diagnosed with anything other than temporary things like the flu. If I tell her I think something is wrong, she either doesn't take me seriously or blames it on small diet changes or recent activity. What is my family's explanation on why I act the way I do? They have to at least be confused. I'm afraid my constant effort to be normal is actually bad- because people might not believe me.

I think I have: Asperger's, had depression, general anxiety, and the worst- IBS. IBS really ruins things. I probably have other things that I don't understand yet.
I struggle to comprehend a page of words, and since elementary school have no math skills. I'm confused as to why no-one's helped me with ANY problem described above.... I feel so screwed.... This is the true source of all my problems, I'm realizing. I'm scared to say anything for some reason. Not sure what to do.

Can you insist to your mother to take you to a doctor?
I was in a bad mood and feeling isolated when I wrote that, I don't think I'm actually screwed because if I insisted hard enough I think she would take me. All I have to do is insist hard enough. I need to learn to do things for myself, everything I said there is true and getting at how others have dug a hole for me, but I can get out if I try hard enough.
The usual such as dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD and anxiety. (When I seee usual I mean the conditions lot of people with autism also have).

I have also have ehlers danlos, ataxia,hypertonic, vasa vagual issues, POTS and eplilsy although that might be changed to a non epileptic seizure disorder.
The usual such as dyspraxia, dyslexia, ADHD and anxiety. (When I seee usual I mean the conditions lot of people with autism also have).

I have also have ehlers danlos, ataxia,hypertonic, vasa vagual issues, POTS and eplilsy although that might be changed to a non epileptic seizure disorder.
Oh and I am also in the midst of being tested for celiac diesie which my gastro Doctor and my dietician think I have since my blood test are positive and exhibit symptoms of a form of it (apparently not the typical one, go figure).
Well, aside from the usual anxiety-depression combo, I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrom as well, like ZebraAspie. There seems to be a correlation between ASD and EDS, but because EDS is not very well-known, the cause for the correlation hasn't been found yet. It is a genetic disorder.
Anyways, it comes with the same sensory issues than autism, especially regarding touch, light and sounds --definitely doesn't help with my misophonia.
As an added bonus, EDS brings muscle hypotonia, chronic pain, frequent sprains and tendinitis, very dry eyes, cysts that keep on forming everywhere, migraines and irritable bowel syndrom, along with low blood pressure and POTS, which is basically a mix of tachycardia and lower blood pressure that makes you dizzy every time you change posture.
But: I get to wear special clothes to keep my joints in place, it's like the superhero suit for "SuperSensory Girl".
i have 'low functioning' once severe,but for the past 4/5 years now moderate classic autism,and with that i have: lifelong severe tonic clonic epilepsy including cluster seizures and ocasionally status epilepticus [life threatening] ,mild intellectual disability, severe major depressive disorder, extreme autism related anxiety that triggers severe challenging behaviors, severe challenging behavior in general, sleep apnea- i have a CPAP breathing machine for it but i cant cope with it, severe lifelong sleep issues/ insomnia,psychosis,hyperacusis and misophonia [hyperacusis diagnosed, misophonia self diagnosis but pretty obvious],OCD;informal diagnosis, reactive attachment disorder;informal diagnosis.
i also have high blood pressure attacks but im not medicated for it, i have had over 190; over something at one point and staff and paramedics forced me to go to hospital.
Well, aside from the usual anxiety-depression combo, I have Ehlers-Danlos syndrom as well, like ZebraAspie. There seems to be a correlation between ASD and EDS, but because EDS is not very well-known, the cause for the correlation hasn't been found yet. It is a genetic disorder.
Anyways, it comes with the same sensory issues than autism, especially regarding touch, light and sounds --definitely doesn't help with my misophonia.
As an added bonus, EDS brings muscle hypotonia, chronic pain, frequent sprains and tendinitis, very dry eyes, cysts that keep on forming everywhere, migraines and irritable bowel syndrom, along with low blood pressure and POTS, which is basically a mix of tachycardia and lower blood pressure that makes you dizzy every time you change posture.
But: I get to wear special clothes to keep my joints in place, it's like the superhero suit for "SuperSensory Girl".
What are your special clothes like I have to wear special boots and multi braces to stop my constant dislocations.
osteoarthritis, gradually recovering from radial nerve paralysis( just left side), mild hypermobility syndrome, IBS, left hip bursitis, after effects of staphylococcus infection- weakened kidneys, lungs ,brain ,heart, stomach, hearing
What are your special clothes like I have to wear special boots and multi braces to stop my constant dislocations.
Hey ZebraAspie,
I'm not sure what is the exact term they would be called in English, because I got them in France, but it's contention clothing, as is used for people who suffered severe burns. They help with proprioception and with muscle contractions, so on top of not dislocating my joints all the time, I don't bump into doors, walls and furniture quite as often. They are not manufactured in series, but made to my exact measurements. I have hypermobile-type EDS.
A possible downside to consider is that the clothes are very tight (think head-to-toe Spanx), and I don't know how you feel about tight clothing. Personally, the pressure it exerts helps even with AS, but sometimes even I can't stand being covered in rigid spandex. Overall, I still think they're a good thing to use.
For some reason, the picture I found via Google will not upload, so I'll try again later. Is it OK if I send it to you?
I know the bottom part of the "suit" can go until mid-thigh only for those with better knees. I got pants that stop at the ankle, though. As for the top, mine stops below the shoulder, and then I have sleeves I can add for my elbows. I didn't want socks made, though, that I couldn't stand wearing.
I do have braces to wear at night instead of the suit, but they're bulky and hurt a little.
Best I could find.


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Hey ZebraAspie,
I'm not sure what is the exact term they would be called in English, because I got them in France, but it's contention clothing, as is used for people who suffered severe burns. They help with proprioception and with muscle contractions, so on top of not dislocating my joints all the time, I don't bump into doors, walls and furniture quite as often. They are not manufactured in series, but made to my exact measurements. I have hypermobile-type EDS.
A possible downside to consider is that the clothes are very tight (think head-to-toe Spanx), and I don't know how you feel about tight clothing. Personally, the pressure it exerts helps even with AS, but sometimes even I can't stand being covered in rigid spandex. Overall, I still think they're a good thing to use.
For some reason, the picture I found via Google will not upload, so I'll try again later. Is it OK if I send it to you?
I know the bottom part of the "suit" can go until mid-thigh only for those with better knees. I got pants that stop at the ankle, though. As for the top, mine stops below the shoulder, and then I have sleeves I can add for my elbows. I didn't want socks made, though, that I couldn't stand wearing.
I do have braces to wear at night instead of the suit, but they're bulky and hurt a little.
Thats super cool thanks for the picture. I'm not sure how i'd feel abou wearing one tightness upsets my EDS skin.
I saw this thread at the top of the page.

I have: ADHD inattentive type, schizoid personality disorder and motor tic disorder.

I also have asthma, GERD, IBS (I've tried elimination diets but I still got symptoms), spina bifida occulta just below my neck (there are no symptoms, just the chiropractor thought that it was very interesting) and wacky eyesight (no depth perception, shortsighted in my right eye, longsighted in my left eye. I also wear Irlen lenses and they are blue).

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