Hi everyone
I'm NT, but struggling to understand separation from my (undiagnosed, probably) high functioning ASD husband. I think the relationship is done, but there are some things about it that still deeply confuse me, and I'm here to see if someone can kindly help me see it from his point of view. I'll put my questions here, but please tell me which area of the forum to post in if there is somewhere better.
Okay, basic background. We have two kids, and have only just separated. The main recurring arguments for us were who looks after the kids, how we schedule our time, the details of how things should be done, and the lack of "relating" in our relationship (that one was mine, lol).
My ex has had a very warm relationship with our older daughter (2.5) since she was about 1 year old. Before that age he found her very difficult (she was). He said things like "she doesn't give anything back", which I found mystifying at the time but now put down to the fact that toddlers are probably a lot easier for him to read than babies. Our younger daughter (11 months) is just now passing to the magic age that he finds 'workable' for looking after her.
Our relationship, from my point of view, has been 'dead' for a long while. We met, we fell in love, he was incredibly attentive and affectionate and interested, and then we moved countries and he was depressed and overwhelmed and avoidant. I put it down to depression, we came home, he improved, we got married. Sex was irregular, but happened sometimes when I initiated it. But pretty much by the honeymoon, I felt like most of the time he was irritable, preoccupied, and ignored me. We went to counselling. Little changed. We had our first daughter. He couldn't look after her because he coudn't cope with the crying. I took it on, thinking that it was just because she cried a lot (she did). Then something confusing happened once she turned one...
He got affectionate, interested, and warm WITH HER. Which is lovely! But it also showed me how deeply unaffectionate, disinterested and cold he was with me. I had gotten used to it, and thought he was depressed and therefore unable to be warm. But then I saw, he was able to have what I considered a warm relationship, just not with me.
Things got slowly worse. I said that I needed more from him. I got anxious and depressed. I said that I couldn't continue with the relationship as it was. I went to counselling myself. I started pointing out the things he did that caused me to feel so un-loved. And nothing changed. It was like he heard it, but was unable to do anything about it, and wanted me to stop bringing it up, please, because it made him feel really bad about himself.
And finally, we broke up. The final straws were:
1. I wanted to return to work, he wanted me to look after the kids. I felt controlled.
2. He lost his temper about things around the house one too many times.
3. I had gone far too long without affection and it was making me sick.
And the last one is a bit harder to explain. Once he finally realised that I would actually end the relationship unless things changed fundamentally and immediately, he started saying that he wanted "the family". Which I understand on one level (of course I wanted the family to be together too), but on another level it seemed REALLY MYSTIFYING. Because if he wanted the family to stay together, the one, obvious (I thought) thing to do was to work on our relationship. But I never could see any progress on any of the things that weren't working in our relationship. To me, it seemed like:
1. He wanted the FUNCTION of our relationship (family together), not the relationship itself.
2. He wanted me to stay for that function, but not to be with me in any way I understand.
3. He expected me to stay for these reasons, and was actually suprised that I wouldn't.
4. He either wouldn't, or couldn't, do the things that would actually enable me to stay.
He said that I can't change him. He said that deep down, he's afraid that he's incapable of relationships. He asked me to break up with him, almost like he was asking to be 'let off the hook'. He said that he needed it to 'not be his fault'. He said that he loves me, and always will, and that he has been trying so hard and is so upset that I can't see it (and when he says that even I felt terrible that I can't see it, but I literally couldn't see it). He said it's like he was trying to start a car for all those years, trying and trying to get the car going so that he could come and see me using the car, but he couldn't start it. I didn't know what the trying even was, and kept asking him to get more help through counselling, but he DID NOT want to open up 'our problems' to third parties. He said he know our problems were, in fact, his problems.
So. Finally to my questions. I have accepted the relationship is done, but I still wonder...
WHY is it that he can be warm with our daughters, but not with me?
WHY could he not understand that we had to keep our relationship together to keep the family together? (And yes, I did explain this).
WHAT was he doing, when he says he was trying? I know you can't read his mind, but perhaps you can relate???
WHY if he is so attached to keeping our family together, did he resist outside help in attempting to do it?
WHAT does it mean when he says he loves me, if the way that he loves me looks so very different to the way that he loves our daughters?
I once told him that he should imagine how our girls would feel if he never hugged them again (he's very affectionate with them). This was to help him understand how I couldn't cope with the lack of our relationship. He said "oh", in a sad way, as if he was picturing how sad our daughters would be if he never hugged them again. And this is what confuses me. If he "gets it" for them, why doesn't he "get it" for me? Or does he get it, and is he unable to do anything about it? And if so, why?!
Long introdution, but there is my struggle
Can you help?
I'm NT, but struggling to understand separation from my (undiagnosed, probably) high functioning ASD husband. I think the relationship is done, but there are some things about it that still deeply confuse me, and I'm here to see if someone can kindly help me see it from his point of view. I'll put my questions here, but please tell me which area of the forum to post in if there is somewhere better.
Okay, basic background. We have two kids, and have only just separated. The main recurring arguments for us were who looks after the kids, how we schedule our time, the details of how things should be done, and the lack of "relating" in our relationship (that one was mine, lol).
My ex has had a very warm relationship with our older daughter (2.5) since she was about 1 year old. Before that age he found her very difficult (she was). He said things like "she doesn't give anything back", which I found mystifying at the time but now put down to the fact that toddlers are probably a lot easier for him to read than babies. Our younger daughter (11 months) is just now passing to the magic age that he finds 'workable' for looking after her.
Our relationship, from my point of view, has been 'dead' for a long while. We met, we fell in love, he was incredibly attentive and affectionate and interested, and then we moved countries and he was depressed and overwhelmed and avoidant. I put it down to depression, we came home, he improved, we got married. Sex was irregular, but happened sometimes when I initiated it. But pretty much by the honeymoon, I felt like most of the time he was irritable, preoccupied, and ignored me. We went to counselling. Little changed. We had our first daughter. He couldn't look after her because he coudn't cope with the crying. I took it on, thinking that it was just because she cried a lot (she did). Then something confusing happened once she turned one...
He got affectionate, interested, and warm WITH HER. Which is lovely! But it also showed me how deeply unaffectionate, disinterested and cold he was with me. I had gotten used to it, and thought he was depressed and therefore unable to be warm. But then I saw, he was able to have what I considered a warm relationship, just not with me.
Things got slowly worse. I said that I needed more from him. I got anxious and depressed. I said that I couldn't continue with the relationship as it was. I went to counselling myself. I started pointing out the things he did that caused me to feel so un-loved. And nothing changed. It was like he heard it, but was unable to do anything about it, and wanted me to stop bringing it up, please, because it made him feel really bad about himself.
And finally, we broke up. The final straws were:
1. I wanted to return to work, he wanted me to look after the kids. I felt controlled.
2. He lost his temper about things around the house one too many times.
3. I had gone far too long without affection and it was making me sick.
And the last one is a bit harder to explain. Once he finally realised that I would actually end the relationship unless things changed fundamentally and immediately, he started saying that he wanted "the family". Which I understand on one level (of course I wanted the family to be together too), but on another level it seemed REALLY MYSTIFYING. Because if he wanted the family to stay together, the one, obvious (I thought) thing to do was to work on our relationship. But I never could see any progress on any of the things that weren't working in our relationship. To me, it seemed like:
1. He wanted the FUNCTION of our relationship (family together), not the relationship itself.
2. He wanted me to stay for that function, but not to be with me in any way I understand.
3. He expected me to stay for these reasons, and was actually suprised that I wouldn't.
4. He either wouldn't, or couldn't, do the things that would actually enable me to stay.
He said that I can't change him. He said that deep down, he's afraid that he's incapable of relationships. He asked me to break up with him, almost like he was asking to be 'let off the hook'. He said that he needed it to 'not be his fault'. He said that he loves me, and always will, and that he has been trying so hard and is so upset that I can't see it (and when he says that even I felt terrible that I can't see it, but I literally couldn't see it). He said it's like he was trying to start a car for all those years, trying and trying to get the car going so that he could come and see me using the car, but he couldn't start it. I didn't know what the trying even was, and kept asking him to get more help through counselling, but he DID NOT want to open up 'our problems' to third parties. He said he know our problems were, in fact, his problems.
So. Finally to my questions. I have accepted the relationship is done, but I still wonder...
WHY is it that he can be warm with our daughters, but not with me?
WHY could he not understand that we had to keep our relationship together to keep the family together? (And yes, I did explain this).
WHAT was he doing, when he says he was trying? I know you can't read his mind, but perhaps you can relate???
WHY if he is so attached to keeping our family together, did he resist outside help in attempting to do it?
WHAT does it mean when he says he loves me, if the way that he loves me looks so very different to the way that he loves our daughters?
I once told him that he should imagine how our girls would feel if he never hugged them again (he's very affectionate with them). This was to help him understand how I couldn't cope with the lack of our relationship. He said "oh", in a sad way, as if he was picturing how sad our daughters would be if he never hugged them again. And this is what confuses me. If he "gets it" for them, why doesn't he "get it" for me? Or does he get it, and is he unable to do anything about it? And if so, why?!
Long introdution, but there is my struggle

Can you help?