He is aspie, no doubt.
Pointing out problems to an aspie is like tossing your relationship out the window, watching it fall to the ground and be blown away by the wind, with no regards or concerns.
I would love to know WHY this is. I have AS myself, but I WANT to hear about what I can be doing, specifically, to help my partner feel loved and respected. If I am doing/saying/not doing something which is problematic for him, I want him to tell me. I'm a big girl, I can take it! I'd rather know that something's wrong, than blithely go on my merry way believing all is well when it isn't.
But I am a female, and I know we can be a bit different.
Pointing out problems to my undiagnosed AS BF is just like you said. It just frustrates him and makes him upset. He will actually say "Why are you making problems where there aren't any?!?!"
In other words, there is no problem, because HE feels everything is fine.
He doesn't seem to get that there ARE problems, something he's doing/not doing IS a problem----for ME. Deciding not to mention it and keeping it to myself, doesn't mean it's any less of a problem, or that it's not causing me pain.
Not discussing things that are going wrong is not an option for me.
It would mean keeping my mouth shut until one day I'd have had enough; he'd come home to find me gone. (I would never do this, but I do think about it. It's not like I haven't gone over the same territory a hundred times. Literally. He knows it's a case where some things have to change in order to continue the relationship.) The fact is, I believe in talking things through.
And, to his credit, when he does "Get It", he tries very hard to improve. It doesn't always seem to last, though. The same problems come up again and again. But at least we both know he's aware of the "issues" now.
The usual--lack of affection, overly focused on his own interests/agenda, not realizing I have my own, valid point of view, saying unintentional but bluntly hurtful things, being lax about hygiene, housework, wanting his own way most of the time....
Sorry to hijack the OP's thread here! Unfortunately, I have nothing to add that would be helpful to her, except my condolences. Living like that is brutal, and to see that he IS capable of giving affection/attention to the children has got to be terrible. Unfortunately, he sounds like my Ex in that what he wanted was all the benefits of a wife/home/family, but without the work. I was more like a "Wife Appliance", there to be used when needed, and the rest of the time I was expected to stay on my little shelf in the closet and not cause any commotion. And he was NT. Go figure.