Thank you sooo much! What a lovely response. It really means alot. You've given me a confidence boost already tyrants1212!
Yeah, the nasty friend I felt a bit off about for years, Im just really slow at dealing with stuff. So good riddance. The other one seemed so genuine, so that's what through me off. But they wouldn't let me explain and most importantly I would never intentionally hurt anybody, let alone two best friends. So I'm slowly feeling good about not having to deal with their drama anymore. I'm trying to forget them, just keep thinking maybe this or that is why. From what I've read up over analysing and not getting over stuff is an Aspie trait. So it's probably just that.
I too used to think I was a bad person, but like you I could never really help my behaviour. Us aspies are awesome tho.
I'm also relieved you had the drugs comment. I m such a goody goody and teetotal, it really hurt my feelings.
Yeah I'm soo in love with my partner, he's my best friend aswell. Unfortunately he's just been diagnosed with Mutiple sclerosis. Other than that were a really happy family.
I also get paranoid that the couple of friends I do have left will leave me like the rest. I seem to go through patterns of thinking I'm getting a hang on life, then things regress. I don't think I can have to much on at once.
You seem a wonderful person, really easy to talk to. I really appreciate the advice it made my day!
. Im really sorry your feeling a bit depressed, and self hating. What's helped me the most so far Is getting an official diagnosis and try to tell myself that I have a disability and all my problems are now quite rationally explained. When I was child/teenager and younger adult I was always convinced I could 'try harder' ( not helped family constantly saying this to me) and build myself up to fail, this I belive made me quite depressed. But Im not sure how I got out of it. I think it was my partner helping me, mostly by being similar and actually understanding me. Sorry I don't have good advice in return. If you want to meet someone maybe once you feel better you could try online dating, seems easier these days. Maybes there's one for aspies?? I'm not sure,I never used one.
If you completed a degree/college and job with nice boss and co-worker that is half the battle. I've had terrible problems in education/ work.
Wish you all the best tho!