honestly the weekends to me are the most depressing most horrific curse ive ever been forced to deal with on a weekly basis, this weekend has really made suicide an option for me, i cannot take being alone anymore, i would trade my soul for a group of friends or a girlfriend at this point, I can no longer hold on to life on weekends, the level of isolation and lonliness i face is worse than anything i though was ever possible.
Death would be a relief from the isolation i face. Ive never believed in suicide and have always been against it, but when a person thinks of death and instantly starts crying tears of relief and joy at the thought of dying, you know the isolation and lonliness their facing must be en antirely new and completely unknown level of isolation and lonliness far beyond what most would even dare to think about much less face.
I was hoping to come on here and find people near me in gonzaless louisiana that i could maybe befriend. I tried they neighborhood app but they just called the cops on me. I was beaten sevearly as a young tean by a cop, i have as much trust for a cop as i would a taliban bomber, i see cops im more likely to refuse to answer anything and possibly attack them on site due to the level of sheer demonic hatred i have for them.
If a demon approched me and offered me friends for the price that id die in two years, id take the offer with ZERO! hesitation. I have tried therapy, groups, drs, ect, it all made it much, much much worse, i dont need drs or groups i need friends, i have spent thousands on dating/friendship sites only to be ignored, blocked, reported, i tried hiki dating app only to get ruthlessly bullied, blocked, namecalled, and even told by a none autistic user that i need to kill myself because people with autism are defective trash that is a burden to society, i reported them, then i got banned only to find out he made anouther account and got me banned somhow.
getting friends in the usa while autistic is so hard i feel now that it isnt even worth the effort, its sad that the real truth is, that the only way to escape an autistic curse of an existance is death.