I have no idea what level for what I would be.
I am fortunate in some ways as the worst part for me about being autistic are the shutdowns, which now I understand them more, I can normally prevent all out shutdowns, though I can't prevent partial ones.
Is only in this last year, especially in the last few months, that more is unraveling and I am realizing now much I have been held back? It amazes me looking back, how I did so well with what I was going through...
But normally, I would not look so much at myself as I assumed I needed to work harder or just was not good at something. Actually, my Mum has always helped in the areas I struggled, and I helped in the areas where she needed help (Am 98% sure she is on the spectrum as well), so we sort of covered each other without thinking much about it. I did once try living alone, but it didn't last long, as I found that though I had plenty to get on with, I would just sit there until it got dark! Was odd! Was as if I needed someone around to act as a trigger... Yet I have often been one to prefer doing things by myself often hyperfocussed for hours on a task... BUT I wasn't alone, as family was somewhere in the background, which makes a difference).
Fairly recently I was filling out a form, and it asked if I could prepare meals and cook. I wasn't sure how to answer it as I only ever tend to make cold food for myself, or food that I can put in the microwave, as my Mum does the rest, though I could not think why! Then I remembered.
I tend to be scared of hot things splattering. I tend to go no where near them! Often is the time when my Mum told me off because she was cooking, and she nipped out for a few minutes to do something, and things would start to heat up and get splatters, and I would turn them off before she came back! So I do not know if I can cook, because I have not really tried, and if I did live alone, I would survive off cold meals. I have tried baked beans on toast with little sausages in with the beans. Oh... That took me half an hour when I tried. Got the toast ready as it came out the toaster. I could smell the heat coming from the ring... But 25 minutes of my beans and mini sausages in the saucepan with me stirring and they didn't seem to be bubbling... Looked, and found out I had put the wrong ring on! So my baked beans on toast ended up being 30 minutes to do!

But I am often too nervous around hot things so I will avoid them.
My Dad tried to teach me how to weld. I was so scared of the splattering and heat I could not go near it even though I would love to make things!
I did, after many years, finally manage to find safe ways to solder, that the fear didn't kick in so I could do it, but I didn't weld. (Key to soldering is to have either a solder gun where one is less likely to burn oneself, or use a heavy duty sodering iron stand so one is not likely to burn oneself. Fear of hot or noisy or splattery hot things is why I avoided cooking. I was ok at making sandwiches!
