hehehe I understand! I struggle with phonecalls for some reason, and I struggle seeing people other than my Mum recently ..
I think people talk too fast and too much, I learnt how to cope until I stopped being able to and my boss asked me to take some time off, assuring me I'd keep my position. I didn't know I was autistic at that point, just 'quirky' was the word I always heard. I sometimes understand how people feel, but sometimes I am wrong.
I think it's only because I worry I am annoying people, etc. As I have no frame of reference to understand otherwise. Unless I was not myself.
hahaha. I do think I can read people quite well, perhaps it's being pessimistic and overthinking, I often think eveyone views me as I do myself etc, since that is how I am.I am going off topic, sorry, I suppose I feel too comfortable already. Thank you
From what i have being able to read about our shared diagnose it seems to be common factor with both phones (never been a problem for me tho other then talking WAY to mush and i NOT good at small talk ) and talking to strangers (i have that too tho =Lone wolf ) and again i NOT good at the so called art of small conversation
Yes well i can relate to that as im also have Severe ADHD (ASD is Mild ) me i dident know i was until my latest evaluation ( 20010 ) but i have had this from birth as well Oh i have NEVER been regarded as anything other then quirky strange not fitting in anywhere since birth so believe me i understand . same as with me then id say
Could be yes
Well as i said i can somehow easily go in to other peoples mind and think like them and understand them and so on BUT not when its reg my life then i CONSTANTLY misread and mess it al up so i have to ask (usely MY RL DEAR friend Older then me and i actually helped him a while back when he was in a bad state ) ( Giggles ) NO problems im the same dear so talk away hon were al here ready to listen (read )
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