I'm going to hold back on a name for now, because I'm unfortunately not there yet, but I will about myself! Also, I'm in my mid thirties.
Where to begin... I guess the start?
As a child I had a doctor diagnose me with delayed social skills and ADHD. This was enough to get me an IEP and special accommodation in school.
I used to be quite awful on conversation, but somewhere in my late teens I did learned how to start and maintain conversations. I still struggle with ending them.
In my mid twenties, I was diagnosed with depression by my doctor, got put on medication, and it didn't really help. Also, I was a Pharmacy Technician at the time.
I decided to get my BA in Psychology, and during the time I did this I started working in the field of ABA with children who have ASD. I'm now currently working on my masters to get my BCBA.
I got married to my girlfriend of 7 years, and that was 3 years ago. Still married, happily!
I'm fairly certain that I would get an ASD diagnosis, but I also know there aren't many people who are specialized with adults. Also, not sure how accepted it would be for someone who has ASD to would with children who have ASD, and a diagnosis kind of scares me since I plan to do this for the rest of my life. I understand HIPAA, but also know the information may find it's way out
I feel that I hide it quite well, though I have moments I slip up on.
If you actually read through this, thank you. I don't really expect anyone to, but just wanted to put some of my thoughts down.
-ABA Dude