Yeah, I had a similar sort of situation. I thought the guy was just shy so I gave home way too much time and too many chances.
I suspected he was on the spectrum, then he told me he thinks he's an aspie. That explains things, I thought.
Hot and cold is what I got. I couldn't work it out.
Then he started a serious relationship with someone else.
Guess what? Not shy. Not just being an aspie.
I was a placeholder until he found what he actually wanted.
Don't give guys who mess you around a second thought. Do you think they're sitting at home trying to work you out like you're trying to work him out?
Big old nope.
They're not worth it, no matter how nice and fun and charming they are.
Move on and find someone who actually wants to be with you.
Think being on the spectrum presents issues. The po situation may workout if she just takes time to communicate. Relationships change, grow, move forward,move backwards. It's just the way it is.