Magical Pattern Auspie
Physics...interesting!Hello and happy Tuesday
Um, shoot I don't know where to start. I'm a 41 yo mom, newly diagnosed (kinda...a therapist dx'd me not a doc and apparently that makes it less valid - anyhoo...) have spent the last month coming to terms with this and have had more emotional ups and downs than I anticipated.
It is both super awesome to find people that can relate and also a little overwhelming after a lifetime of isolation, of my own safe little world up here in my head.
I'm an artist and writer and very interested in physics (even though I never understand the mathematics, I can see the concepts and understand them visually). I spend a lot of my time advocating for homeless rights and my latest "hobby" is trying to figure out how to get people to realize how many ASD's are affected by this and come up with some proactive solutions.
I'm happy to have found this online refuge and hoping to make some friends and exchange some enlightening conversation!
Is it okay if I ask if you are a war veteran?
Welcome to aspie land and such! a interesting Screen name.