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Hi! Im Phoebe Grace and I'm new here.

Hi thRiver? Thanks for the awesome welcome! Wow you do amazing cool art projects!!! Hat hangers sounds like so much fun! And you live next to a salt water river?! HOW AMAZING!!!! I'm on Instagram and have done art trades with other neurodivergent people as well as non neurodivergent. What are some cool things that you have found at the Salt water river?

Thank you Kevin! It's great to be here!
Sorry for not getting back to this post earlier, I had kind of a busy day!

I like to go to the river to observe wildlife, we have a lot of bald eagles there and one time I even saw a species of eagle that is not even native to the US (other sightings were confirmed elsewhere.) It was really cool!

If you are interested in seeing my artwork, I post pictures of it all the time!

Do you ever go to craft fairs to sell your projects, or have you found any galleries where you could sell them? That's something I've been looking into but haven't had a lot of luck.

Here is a picture of me selling some of my photography and artwork at a craft fair, ages ago lol

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These are so amazing! I like the red one and the black one

There is one that looks like on I found when I went to North Carolina

I am personally not very fond of coastal places because I don't like humidity tho and I'm terrified of the ocean
Hi there! Yes, my diagnosis helped my childhood make sense. But I have zero family and almost zero support. As an adult I feel more vulnerable, misunderstood and lonely than I did before my diagnosis. Im struggling to navigate being neurodivergent as a 53 year old. Thank you for the welcome! :)
So... you do realize you no longer have zero support, right?

You now have the support of every single person here.

Excellent achievement for typing a few lines! :) Kudos to you!
So... you do realize you no longer have zero support, right?

You now have the support of every single person here.

Excellent achievement for typing a few lines! :) Kudos to you!
Hi there....I no longer have zero support.....oh my goodness....you just made my heart smile....This is going to take a few minutes for my brain to fully embrace that! I have gone so long with hardly any....I mean as close to zero as you can get without being an actual zero... Oh! and thank you for the kuddos! I have been given the gift of gab and I do tend to over share. So I was even surprised that I wrote as short of a hello as I did. LOL
Sorry for not getting back to this post earlier, I had kind of a busy day!

I like to go to the river to observe wildlife, we have a lot of bald eagles there and one time I even saw a species of eagle that is not even native to the US (other sightings were confirmed elsewhere.) It was really cool!

If you are interested in seeing my artwork, I post pictures of it all the time!

Do you ever go to craft fairs to sell your projects, or have you found any galleries where you could sell them? That's something I've been looking into but haven't had a lot of luck.

Here is a picture of me selling some of my photography and artwork at a craft fair, ages ago lol

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What a lovely photo! I haven't done any selling on craft fairs. I have done some custom made orders on my Instagram as well as 50 art trades with others on there. But that's about it. Your artwork is beautful!!!
What a lovely photo! I haven't done any selling on craft fairs. I have done some custom made orders on my Instagram as well as 50 art trades with others on there. But that's about it. Your artwork is beautful!!!
Aww thank you so much!! I love creating art, it gives my life so much meaning!

I would love to see more photos of your crafts if you don't mind sharing! :)
Aww thank you so much!! I love creating art, it gives my life so much meaning!

I would love to see more photos of your crafts if you don't mind sharing! :)


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Here's a few of my metal stamping pieces. The one with the maroon background, is 39 aluminum washers and on the front of each it has the latitude and longitude of a beach I've been to to look for seashells and on the back side it has the name of the beach. Then the one with the cork board was when I did a 100 day art challenge on Instagram so I chose to stamp out 100 days of affirmations. I didn't have any pictures really of my squeegee paintings because I leave them out around town for others to find. But here's 2.
Here's a few of my metal stamping pieces. The one with the maroon background, is 39 aluminum washers and on the front of each it has the latitude and longitude of a beach I've been to to look for seashells and on the back side it has the name of the beach. Then the one with the cork board was when I did a 100 day art challenge on Instagram so I chose to stamp out 100 days of affirmations. I didn't have any pictures really of my squeegee paintings because I leave them out around town for others to find. But here's 2.
So cool! Thanks for sharing.

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