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Thank you!Looks like you came to the right place. Welcome to AF.
... I felt very sad when my knowledge wasn't enough to solve some problems, like territorial behavior.
I want to share with you this picture of Inés when she was a kitten. She was very sick when I adopted her and I remember I had to keep her warm everyday or she would get worse. She was a lovely cat and liked to be with me at all times. What you say is true. The cats, specially Iris, behaved differently when I was in pain or sick. Iris used to be more gentle and even licked me for a long period of time lol. Such a nice memory!Cats, as well as all pets, have unique and diverse personalities. Contrary to what this world tells us, animals are not that different than humans when it comes to emotions. The knowledge it takes to properly care for a pet cannot necessarily come from what others have experienced but only through trial & error on your own part. Research is only good when it comes to compatibility - for example a pet rock would not be compatible with my level of metaphysical understanding because my world view of most neurotypicals is they are dumber than a box of rocks. Maybe, if you ever get another cat, only get one and raise it from a kitten. Where we live - very remote - people drop off unwanted cats. Currently we have twelve and they are all different in personality and emotional serenity. It takes work like raising children, although I have no children, only nieces and nephews. The right cat can also comfort us when we get distressed. I know that some of our cats have helped me to overcome what the "system" throws at me daily.
I'm sorry for your bad experience. It must be annoying to see her. I just cut that person off immediately, so, fortunately, he didn't even get to do anything! Now that you ended that bad relationship, you are safe and she can't harm you.Hi Sara, just wanted to say that I know how lonely it can be to find someone you thought could be a good friend, only to have to end the friendship because they are using you. That was me with my last friendship - she lives next door to me so I still have to see her often. Sitting with you.
Hello Bronzelincolnshello