Thanks folks. That does make it clearer. I do appear "normal" at a glance, and even if - after getting to know me a little better - people sense something slightly off or odd about me, I don't think high-functioning autism or Asperger's would be most people's first thought. But I do remember telling my stoma nurse that I was going for an adult autism assessment, and her first words were literally "I'm not surprised!".
The thing is, if you have made it to adulthood and appear superficially normal, then there isn't any support. I had some follow-up after my ASD diagnosis, but they mostly concentrated on my sensory issues (which actually isn't the most important thing for me) and couldn't help me with my social ones. Despite that, it was still nice to talk to somebody who actually knew what adult autism was. I felt a little less alone. But now the follow-up has come to an end, and there is nothing to replace it with. In my experience of the mental health profession, half of them don't seem to understand depression and anxiety, let alone autism.
So that leaves me with only the internet for information, support etc. I'm not an internet n00b and I did all this a few years earlier with Crohn's disease. Basically, I wasn't getting any help or satisfaction from my doctors. I'm still a member of the same forum and am an active poster there, but mostly out of habit and just being used to the place. I guess after my ASD diagnosis, I thought I would do the same thing all over: join a forum, research the s*** out of the condition, and so on. Well, I joined a forum all right, but that ended so badly, it put me off anything to do with ASD for quite a while. Am I allowed to say there are so many posers on aforementioned forum?
The trouble was, I still had loads of unanswered questions. At least Crohn's only ruined 10 years of my life, ASD - and the comorbid depression and anxiety - has ruined all 40. So I started looking into ASD again. And here I am :-/