I'm not into Tokyo Hotel or Rammstein, not my kind of thing. I used to like Ostrock, (and still do) early Karat albums (up to about 1985, after which they became very commercial and the quality dropped right off), City, Herbert Groenemayer, Silly, Ina Deter, BAP. Now I'm more into progressive rock/folk rock - Ougenweide (folk rock, vocals in German), Eloy, Anyone's Daughter, Argos, Birth Control, Blind Guardian, Broeselmaschine, Hoelderlin, Jane, Lucifer's Friend, Martigan, Neuschwanstein, Novalis, Osta Love, RPWL, Santiano, Schandmaul, Scorpions, Seven Steps to the Green Door, Solar Project, Traumhaus, Triumvirat, Wallenstein, Witthuser & Westrupp, Wucan. This is by no means a comphrehensive list, just a selection of some of the bands in my collection.Which kinds of German music were you into, @Progster? "German music" is quite a broad term. Were there any musicians or groups you were particularly interested in?
I used to listen to Karat - der Albatros again... and again... and again... and again... and again...